Vapaan ihmisen avoin FOSS/Web 3.0 yhteisö ja oppimisympäristö by
Eleutherian tavoite on opettaa yksilöille ja yhteisöille työkaluja ja menetelmiä, millä jokainen voi osittain tai kokonaan irroittautua nykyisen kaltaisesta monopolien ja rajoitusten täyttämästä IT-maailmasta avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistojen sekä lohkoketjuteknologian avulla.
Taistelelu länsimaista/englo-sionistista/globalistista/NATOn/Natsien ideologiaa ja Yhdysvaltojen asettamaa EU:n neljättä valtakuntaa vastaan pahan imperiumin puolivalloitetuilla ydinalueilla.
This group is a place to upload images, preferably ones you created, made or took yourself.
The group is moderated by long standing members and creators in our community.
The general rules are as follows:
We're always open to improvements and ideas!
- No Memes
- No short links
- No Porn or explicit content
- Only moderators may share urls
Check out more groups in our little community
Recommended Frontline Doctor, Syed Haider protocols for Covid healing, prevention, and vaccine injury.
Phone: USA +1 (281)-393-8266
Thank you contributors for being respectful and only posting Covid-19 related research articles in this group. Reminding your own post helps to distribute the word among your network so please do.
Dispelling the Coronavirus lies of the Main Street Media, Globalist Health Organizations, governments, pharmaceutical industry, politicians and others. Feel free to share your scientific.research articles and alt-media information exposing the lies that shut down the world.
All types of #Photography. #PhotographyGroup
Group Owner: @Thyers
1. No inappropriate content.
2. No SPAM/Advertising/Monetised
3. 2 uploads per hour
4. Direct Link to non original work only
5. No videos (Time lapse allowed)
Owner/Admin: @FretzCapo
Mod: @Shakara
Tags: #music#80smusic [artist] [year]
Tags are not required. Ask Minds for autotags in groups'
Maximum 5 posts in a row
Lots of music!
Off topic posts will be deleted and repeat offenders will be blocked and removed from the group.
Thank you