Anonymous World Wide News

We Are Anonymous, We Are Legion, Exspect Us ! We Share Anonymous News, From ALL Around The World !
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👀The truth is no longer hidden now people hide from the truth ! 🤓Truth is out there 👲 and in your-self. 🤡You only need to find and accept it ! 😎Peace Love Unity Respect en Namaste 🙏


👀Just look around you at times how much chit chat is spoken.🤡 This has its function at times but not not always ! 👲Something to think about. 🤓 PLUR😎N🙏


👀No matter the situation or the outcome if you can look at it in a positive way you will learn from that and thus win. 🤡Negativity will make you lose the war (=learning process) before the battle (= the situation) is over.🤓So always keep your calm (Peace) 👲PLUR😎N 🙏 (Peace Love Unity Respect and Namaste)

  • verified_user

5 Real-World Flat-Earth Proofs: Now, let's explore key elements that challenge the contemporary claim of a spinning globe by presenting real-world examples that clearly demonstrate a flat and stationary Earth, rather than one with a...See more


👀 Life is all about experiencing everything: the good the bad and the ugly ! 🤓This includes challenges and problems to be solved 👲Succeed or fail does not matter that much when you learn from it all. 🤡PLUR😎N🙏

We Are Anonymous, We Are Legion, Exspect Us ! We Share Anonymous News, From ALL Around The World !