
Hey there! I’m a bit of a jack-of-all-trades. I love to read and write, with a particular fondness for sci-fi, memoirs, and fantasy. I’m also a dancer, a collector of books, and have a knack for memorizing things (though I’ve lost my mind a time or two!). Oh, and I’m a pink alien at heart with a healthy dose of optimism. While small talk isn't my strong suit, I’m a friendly soul and these days, I’ve even got an ordination certificate from Dudeism! When it comes to writing, I focus on the world around me, and my fiction and fantasy shorts have had me thinking about bending reality. I once produced, directed, and wrote over 30 short films in just a few weeks—because why not?
Alive on planet Earth.
#GodlessHeathenArtistEmpathLightwarriorLoverIntrovertSapiosexualAtheistTrutherExvaxxerbyresearchAnarchistSpiritualgangsterCoffeeaddictFoodloverEnvironmentalistNoClimatetardFreethinkerNoCoronaTardINFPA Thank you for subscribing, Subscribe to my reminds too, vote, remind, comment good or bad...let me know what you feel... IDGAF if you downvote, downvoters that do so without having some balls to say why are kinda pathetic imo and will probably get blocked asap...don't waste my time... Don't like what I say? Pro-Tip: Unsubscribe...block...ignore like you ignore truth...when that doesn't work remove yourself from the gene-pool? I will subscribe to channels that bring shit I like... IDGAF bout what you believe&shit... or if we differ on 9/10...IDC... I'll cherish the one post that suits me... but if you try to preach... You Gone... No hard feelings tho...namaste... Like I care about the numbers...Maybe I'm just not your style/frequency...maybe you think I'm crazy...can't actually blame you for that LMAO Have a nice life anyway I Bless you . I despise hate from&towards any belief, ideology or race ... Hate will consume you, be wiser... Subbed doesn't mean I share your view, but I do want to read&see where you're at... And to finish, refrain from analyzing me...Wannabe psychologists are dead-wrong & it'll only expose your lack of intelligence...Not even experienced REAL shrinks can start to scratch the surface of my mind, don't make a fool out of yourself!
#minamitakahashi 高橋みなみ (Minami Takahashi) aka たかみな(Takamina) is awesome. So far the only channel for Takamina. Official Facebook death sentence: 25 January, 2024 Official Facebook execution: 23 July, 2024 ************************************* Origin of my name: ************************************* Topics: Guns Women Guns with women Women with guns Minami Takahashi Language Finance Science Mathematics Confucianism Engineering Technology Fitness *************************************
I eat crayons, because I'm a Marine. My favorite flavor is Forest Green. Semper Fidelis, folks.
Branded by Minds as "Pornography" no matter what I post. That's who I am.
Your home for comic book news, entertainment, & best opinions.
Think you're an accomplished shaman? Check out the source code on reality, and see if you can handle it. Inin nemilizpohualiztli ca yancuic pohualiztli in huelquizaliztli in achtotlaca ihuan achtocihuatl intlacatiliz ipan Inic Macuilli Tonatiuh, Nahui Ollin, tocahui. Inin nemiliz pohua in totatah, tonanah inpehualiz, nican, Anahuac. I tired more than once to tell you, to communicate what I know. You did not or could not listen. You can not show to anyone what she has not seen. It's time to pull the cosmic trigger... Support ETH: 0xeE9f5aB4faeCBe30012f675Bb938031BC51bB49B
Just A Fan Artist and Anime Fanfic Writer who is Fed up with the Media Agenda
Facebook veteran of the #MemeWars, recovering with a Master's concentration in Forensic Psychology (but not as a psychologist!). Former student–membership in the American Psychology–Law Society (APA Division 41), pending renewal, and real–world experiences hampered by social media. People see my freedom, and call it slavery.
I.M. Pembroke lives in a cave with a cat name Bungles and a bottle of scotch. CLASS WAR BABY! is his first novel.
Sep 2020
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