
A soul having a human experience
Non-Partisan Anti-Establishment Anti-War Political Activist ╭—————————————————╮ - get 'big money' out of politics - shut down the corporate parties - demolish the deep state - end US imperialism ╰—————————————————╯ ╭—————————————————╮ articles: https://medium.com/@EstelaJordan ╰—————————————————╯ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Hello ! 😊 My name is mei, I am a 23 year old japanese american who loves hentai! I’m also an amateur cosplay model, so some times I post my photos here, too. ❤️ I’m still learning a lot of english, so I’m sorry I’m not perfect. 😐 Any way, I love sharing hentai, but I want to start using minds only for reminding posts and posting original work, from may 5 2018 on. I hope we have a great time on minds! 😊 Also this looks fun, I will need to check it out as it updates more: https://tapas.io/episode/844528 I’m on gab now too, so please meet me there! https://gab.ai/HentaiMistress Credit to @Coldtrojan for the lovely #mindschan back ground pic! ❤️
Quite a nice guy for a sociopath. I'm not bizzare, I'm just from Poland :) Atheist in catholic country, realistic liberal with a twist, antifeminist and anti-stupidity to the core. I'm trying to manage my YT channel (in Polish) - youtube.com/c/Niepoprawny Looking for chance to make some stuff internationally.
Dit is het officieuze mindsaccount dat niet van ABN AMRO is. We zitten 7/24 klaar om vragen te beantwoorden & problemen op te lossen, maar ook voor al je andere zaken.
Alternative information supporting the evolution of mind,body and spirit. Not claiming to hold the ultimate truth, but always promoting subjects which I think can lead to a more equitable and harmonious future for all of us. The topics I enjoy the most and the ones u will find on this channel are about #Nature , #Outdoors , #Health , #Science , #Astronomy , #Spirituality , #News , #Futurism and more. I am here on #Minds to grow and help others grow , I hope that`s why you are here also. -------------------------------------------------- Join my groups if you find the subjects interesting : Natural Cures . . .[Let`s discover and share miracle health secrets of natural cures and natural remedies the big pharmaceutical companies are trying to suppress.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/668113456678838292/activity Leaks & Whisleblowers . . .[To be a whistleblower takes bravery. If more people become aware of the truths shared by them , they may begin to wake up, so we can start changing things.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/665852101590523911/activity Astronomy/Cosmos . . .[Best place for astronomy/cosmology lovers to post any news and info about our lovely but scary universe.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/661243576511897613/activity The Venus Project . . .[The integration of science and technology into a plan for a new society based on human and environmental concern.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/611676950842322951/activity Spiritual Awakening . . . [A lot of people become more conscious and aware of issues and practices that have lasted for too long and that must change.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/611684291079843859/activity Positive News . . . [This is the place we can share any news generally regarded as positive.Any breakthrough regarding wellbeing of mankind,environment, animals is welcome.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/611695081275006994/activity A Post Capitalist / Corporatist / Consumerist Society . . . [Exposing the many negative effects that this form of capitalism we're experiencing has on life on Earth. Without understanding the difference between need and greed, we can lead ourselves to extinction.] Note : This is not a pro socialism / communism or any other 'ism' group. https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/694538930162245644/activity Artificial Intelligence (Pros & Cons) . . .[Anything about A.I.,especially discussing the opportunities but also possible threats that may arise with it.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/695062418061008907/activity Vegan & Vegetarian Magazine . . .[Many vegans and vegetarians choose this lifestyle to promote a more humane and caring world. They know they are not perfect, but believe they have a responsibility to try to do their best, while not being judgmental of others.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/700861643692711948/activity Climate Change Debate . . .[Whether you believe climate change is real or not, man made or just a natural cycle, let`s share info and evidence regarding this very sensitive subject which may affect all of us.] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/701078631987814407/activity Marine Life & Oceanography . . .[ Any info and news about our seas and oceans,marine animals, and the physical and biological aspects of oceans : currents, waves, ecosystems etc] https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/708494051116064782/activity
I'm Happy...like a sculpter I will chip away at your illusions, but I will make you answer your own questions as I present the perspective from something you may have overlooked. My Heart Channel and Frequency are open to send you my Love a frequency you may not be accustom to? My truth may resonate with your heart and or intuition, as it seems strong with truth. As a Slave it's hard to get good information or locations in which to find it, but I can only try, as many are shut down from time to time. I will tell you first that YOU ARE NOT ALONE in your thoughts, you have always know something is wrong, but maybe could not put your finger on the details of that exact knowledge, so please ask? I can drop a bread crumb in front of any information you desire to know, as I work with the big picture of things and have explored many rabbit holes full of knowledge. The why, is my specialty along with the discernment of information; so yes there are many sources that might lead you astray, again please ask. Since I am not a first hand knowledge guy of many of the highly secret programs, it's not to say I don't know about them. We, the Masses are slowly Awakening; so let's compare notes and share information to enlighten others. Best path? Always your Choice, only Slaves have No Choice. Right, is NOT harming another sentient being; a Wrong is harming a sentient being! Stopping someone from Wronging YOU is a RIGHT you have! Never let anyone ever tell you different! You can work to supporting the group with Rights, respecting everyone's Right not to be Wronged, or you could choose the Wrong path? The answer seems simple to me anyway, our children deserve Freedom from this problem we have allowed to exist, so let us think inbetween our slave duties of the system made by those wronging US. Collectively we educate the Masses, but understanding why, what, where, and how this problem started and how long it has been in play was the key to the slavers master plan. We create our future and we can make it brighter with light and knowledge shining on all the facets. Learn who you are and what you stand for? Together we can create what we know is Right, releasing our bonds of servitude and do what we know helps the group succeed, if we can only break the illusions we have been taught and presented with. Choose wisely, your time line is limited, then our children live what we create, think, and do through achievement. It seems simple to know what is Right, I don't desire violence against those who Wrong US, but if required it should be swift and thourough...and yes, very effective, but I only control the environment I am in, you must control yours, where you are. We work outward starting with self - home - village - State - Nation - Earth. Nothing starts without you and self understanding what you want and where you are, in this NOW! On this channel we start with Politics, then Religion, and of course Money; but that is only the beginning as most can't handle the simple stuff. Illusion are things we break here, and I haven't found many people who are not full of them, so don't bother if you can't handle the truth...I know it's rough out there.
My reality is the best reality. Come to the feed daily to stay current. On chain Address 0x00aD3aF8B704cAe9081D561BE924Dcc64bf74C95 https://gab.ai/Oldmanrant https://t.me/oldmanrant https://discord.gg/U2a8UEx
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Aug 2016
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