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Cyberbully/Life Coach. It's better to drown than to wait to be hung.
location_onsecond level basement, where the walls are a different color
Best Selling Author. Lover of hedgehogs & Freedom.
Here's Squid Mama. I draw things, love squids and octopi and vaporwave.
Music in video games are often taken for granted, but some of the best music I got the pleasure to hear comes from just that! from video games! This channel is dedicated to show you the best music that video games got to offer, sit back and relax, and enjoy the ride :) I'm making music mixes of games that have very good music. Both old & new games, also many different styles of music and types of games. Official Minds account for GameMusicHallberg You can also find me on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/c/GameMusicHallberg Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/gamemusichallberg BitTube https://bit.tube/GameMusicHallberg BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/aACTea8BrLDE Twitter https://twitter.com/GameHallberg Steemit https://tinyurl.com/ybo7gjrv Enjoy the music!
DM🎲. Fledgling Artist🎨 & Writer✍️. UnityDev🎮. Animator. Night owl🌙. (Un)Official Art Santa 🎅. #RearmedDreamerArt
"The tales of our exploits will survive as long as the human voice itself." -Augustus Caesar
Video Gamer, Programmer, Web designer. Probably drunk, smoking cigars, whatever, while I work on my life-long-goal of beating every game that I own; a goal that will never be achieved. Talk games that I'm playing and beat. Talk/share news in tech with my drunken opinion.
Grumpy wolfcoon who doesn't like being muzzled.
An artists from Sweden. I like doing horror art and write lore for my pictures as a creative exercise. My main artistic mediums is ballpoint ink pen drawings, and watercolor paints with acrylic highlights and marker pens.
second level basement, where the walls are a different color
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Aug 2017
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