Dr. Manhattan

Not interested in Crypto!!....Husband of 1 wife for nearly 4 decades, father, grandfather and Living my best life possible in the land of my ancestors in Hawaii ... *Again...Not interested in crypto!!.. so please don’t message me about it!
Musician, Producer, Production Sound Engineer.
Leggermente fuori fuoco Slightly out of focus (Robert Capa) I love Tony Iommi. NO RELIGION PLEASE. Religions are a symbol of INTOLERANCE: they see themselves as bearers of an absolute, right truth, and that, as such, they cannot live with other truths. And very often they result in xenophobia and racism. NIENTE RELIGIONE PER FAVORE. Le religioni sono simbolo di INTOLLERANZA: vedono se stesse come portatrici di una verità assoluta, giusta, e che, come tale, non possono convivere con altre verità. E molto spesso sfociano in xenofobia e razzismo.
Musician FOLLOW ON ANY STREAMING SITE 3 words Heavy Metal Settles
Moshe Strugano & Co. - An International Law Firm
I like travel and natural
I'm an Irish American who is getting sick and tired of the Left-Wing Liberal/Progressive PC culture that has infiltrated every form of academia, entertainment, and other platforms. I'm a Libertarian, a Capitalist, an Individualist, an Anti-SJW, and I support the U.S. Constitution. I believe that everyone should have the right to freedom of speech. CashApp if you like my content: cash.app/$DrTriW Be sure to follow me on Gab: https://gab.com/DrTriggerWarning "If a society is to be free, its government has to be controlled." Ayn Rand
Sep 2020
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