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Plotting to take over the world and leave you alone.
Ancap/Voluntaryist, Crypto/Bitcoin, PoWH3D, Nerd, Gamer, Chess, Golden Knights, Game of Thrones, Non-Theist
The official Corbett Report account is now here:
Organization and group who are focused on variety of positive efforts in Northeast Michigan, such as facilitating discussions, help raise the quality of life in the area; encourage communications and cultural awareness; help new ideas, new opportunities; to consider different learning models; collaboration, and to think outside the box about issues related to Northeast Michigan. Scope Clarification: The scope, or focus areas include considering positive ideas, issues, feedback, and complaints from a variety of stakeholders in the Northeast Michigan area. This includes all citizens, visitors, and consumers or supporters of the region. Goals Clarifications: A primary goal of this group is to help citizens, consumers, and frequent visitors to be proactive for the area, and in raising qualify of life. This can include having special events and face-face meetings; and unique efforts for new ideas and planning to "create actions from ideas". We can help encourage collaboration, and positive efforts in the region by a variety of methods, such as proposals, or leading by example. We can help try new efforts, or experiments within this grass roots group, Creative Life In Northeast Michigan. Key broad goals include initiating action, trying out ideas, plans for future, empowering citizens and self determination. Vision (tentative): Creating N.E. Michigan into a Premiere Place of Creativity and Opportunity In the World. Mission (tentative): Proactive efforts in helping the region such as facilitating positive communications, new ideas, opportunity, raising qualify of life, greater transparency in government; and encouraging continuous improvements for all the citizens, visitors, trading partners, consumers, and the region.
All glory and honor to YAHWEH!
Kid Crypto is the ambassador to the play to earn blockchain gaming community.
Smashing the pyramid one brick at a time
Oct 2019
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