
Indipendant Truth seaker and journalist. I am a conscious, incarnate aspect of the creator of all existence, born into this duality of love and fear! and I recognize you as the same! I choose love and forgiveness OVER fear and hate ! If we each plant a seed the garden will grow again ! love and light !
We Are Anonymous, We Are Legion, Exspect Us ! We Share Anonymous News, From ALL Around The World !
Here you will find links for free movies and series... Everyone plays no one pays! It is illegal to download copyrighted media via torrent sites. I would advise streaming your movies/films. There are no hash tags in this group as visibility could result in disrupting sites. Feel free to add your links with any relevant information... (When new films are released we will hopefully find them here) No spam thanks; enjoy viewing. P.S. (If anyone asks about films please mention this group) You can comment about any films you watch from here in the channel and tag your friends. REMEMBER : Depending on your country some links will be blocked; please upload what you use in your region. (This will create a suitable group for all users)
Dedicated to Addiction Recovery Support (NA -Twelve Steps) To thine own self be true - William Shakespeare ............................................... IN SEARCH OF TRUTH (MINDFULNESS MEDITATION) Brian Cox Sam Harris Sean Carroll Lawrence Krauss Terence McKenna Adyashanti Thich Nhat Hahn Fans most welcome! ............................................... WE ARE ONE - PURE INTENTION WILL SET US FREE #LIVINGCLEAN #MINDFULNESS #MEDITATION #HEALTH #SPIRITUALITY ................................................. INNER LIGHT - Awakening ~ Self Empowerment https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1195450801911361536/feed SINGING SOUL - Spitual Reflections https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1227140982712737792 JUST4TDAY - Anger management https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1206591136550469632 GRATITUDE + APPRECIATION - @kdjh - @lookowt
A group for the discussion of forming an alternative society. The basic principles are starting an alt economy and finding places to live. I'm thinking of things like remote arias of weak south American states, other small countries and the like. Maybe we get some sail boats and form a floating city state, colonize a few empty islands. We badly need an alternative to the situation we are in. Potentially lethal vaccines, lock downs, a "cashless economy" where banks control whether you can buy or sell. We need alt currency that we control, alt banks that we can use and our own government that truly serves the people. More like we need a series of such societies linked together and cooperating , trading, helping each other but separate. There aren't many of us so to start with we won't need much living space or much in the way of resources. If you want to study this and maybe get some projects started this group is for that purpose.
An open group for the minds community. A place for you and your friends.
the poetry core of minds.com. Lightly moderated. Post your poems, others', flash fictions, resources and essays about poetry. Keep it to one post a day. #themindspoetrygroup the minds dream group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/910756817751642112/feed the minds Formula 1 group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1344392284367491074/feed
---------------------------------------------------------------- Photos Art —————————————————————— I don't own any content, to the unknown authors. The content that it is not my own. Thank you unknown Authors ! If possible, please credit original artists if you share a material that you have not created yourself. *********************************************************** PLEASE: No inappropriate content. No SPAM. Not yours then credit source. No monetised/token posts. No advertising. No sex.
This is one of the many homes of The Mad LiberTEA Party, a show & activist community by libertarian and anarchist buddies picking their way through the upside-down world that is modern American politics where up is down, left is right, and the rules don't matter because we're all mad here. Thanks for joining us, all are welcome. Have comments, questions, suggestions, or complaints? Come hang out with us on Discord: https://discord.gg/vffBVkm Mad LiberTEA Links: https://linktr.ee/madliberteaparty Support Links: https://cointr.ee/madliberteaparty #libertarian #politics #government #discussion #freedom
Здесь можно постить все, что угодно, если это мем. You may post here everything you want exept things that are not memes!!
We focus ourselves on the research, study and exploration of magic, the occult, metaphysics and its greatest thinkers and wizards. From Evola to Manly P. Hall, from Guénon to Crowley. t.me/occultismeetmetaphysicae
C'est le point de départ pour tout ceux qui veulent participer à cette recherche collective. À chaque jour nous sommes bombardé d'informations et parfois on tombe sur des sujets taboo et censurés. Autre qu'accueillir les nouveaux, venez déposer dans ce groupe tout ce qui pourrait être intéressant pour des gens qui font du montage vidéo. Ça peut-être des photo d'article que vous voyez dans le journal du jour. Un débat dans les médias que vous avez capturer, des moments que vous avez enregistrer à la radio, des extraits de documentaires, images, etc. Aussitôt qu'une information vous donne une émotion que vous voyez dans un montage dans un des sujets, vous venez afficher tout ça ici. C'est le groupe où tout commence. Ensuite on prend les infos reçu ici et on les classes par sujet pour les monteurs de vidéos. ENGLISH TRADUCTION https://www.minds.com/media/1155190684593848320 MOTS CLEFS de cette thématique. #actions #mouvement #creation #créatif #bouger #hyperactif #confiant #sportif #Rapide #multinationale #Industrie #compétitif #combatifs #feu #agressif #productif #compagnies #corporations #nouveauté #Départ #numero1 #rouge #1feurouge #original #arrogant #formephysique #Orgueilleux #Egoïste #Talentueux #Destruction #Violence #Morts #Guerre #conflit #duel #sun #impatience #provoquer #pollution #danger PLUS D'INFORMATIONS SUR LA THÉMATIQUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 : https://www.minds.com/media/1142389667122311168 Rouge : https://www.minds.com/media/1142653713292537856 Feu : https://www.minds.com/media/1142210056492240896 Duo-Duel : https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1155253759919321088 Perso : https://www.minds.com/media/1141586488325947392 30sec : https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1198793293700227072 Images : Documentaires https://www.minds.com/media/1199901012058624000 ÉTAPES ROUGES 001 : https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1153160795999973376
Sep 2019
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