
man. fuck you. hash tag minds exclusive artist hash tag bitchute exclusive content-man hash tag ronchy "punk rock" style fun. working to make a functioning society that has mosh pits. enjoy your day. mwuah* https://psychicshadows.carrd.co/
A Group for Indie Game Developers to express themselves.
Welcome those who love art + Arts, paintings, drawings, sculpture, artworks, photography arts ... are allowed + Better if there are full author names and other information, respect the author (if not original) + Up to 10 posts per day + Unlimited originals + No advertising + No gif files + Irrespective of skin color, nationality, gender, age, political perspective + Encourage exchanging and speaking views Welcome and Thank you for your interest Administrator: @HungPV
Welcome to a new group for people aspiring to be authors, or who have taken the leap into the publishing world. group chat - https://chat.minds.com/#/room/!iidhmwhkerVoVAVTwC:minds.com
Le Punk n’est pas un style très populaire ni très apprécié. Pour comprendre le Punk il faut admettre que c’est un style unique : le seul style qui n'a pas pour vocation de plaire ou d'être agréable. Le Punk est une rébellion, une protestation, une revendication. Il peut difficilement être jugé sur la maitrise des interprètes ou la justesse des notes. Le Punk c’est de l’art brut, non raffiné . C’est un cri d’alarme, une thérapie, un exorcisme, une expérimentation. Il revendique la liberté d’expression, la liberté de non jugement. La liberté de l’amateurisme. La primauté du ressenti, la sincérité de l'interprétation plutôt que son exactitude ou la justesse de l’interprétation. Un groupe Punk qui rencontre le succès et se professionnalise n'est plus vraiment un groupe punk, a ce stade il disparaît ou devient un groupe de Rock. Un bon son punk est un son transgressif Punk is not a very popular or appreciated style. To understand Punk, you have to admit it's a unique style: the only style that is not intended to please or to be popular . It's useless to judge it by the mastery of the interpreters or the accuracy of the notes. Punk is a protest, a request, a riot, a rebellion, it's a deprogramming. What's matter in Punk is the sincerity. Punk is a raw art, not refined. It's a warning call, a therapy, an exorcism, an experience. it claims freedom of expression, the freedom of non judgment. The freedom of amateurism. The primacy of feeling rather than the accuracy and precision of interpretation. A successful and professional punk band no longer does punk, usually at this stage it disappears or becomes a rock band. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
This group is a place to upload images, preferably ones you created, made or took yourself. The group is moderated by long standing members and creators in our community. The general rules are as follows: We're always open to improvements and ideas! - No Memes - No short links - No Porn or explicit content - Only moderators may share urls Check out more groups in our little community https://mindsgaming.glitch.me/ #MindsGaming #Photography #Art
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