
Well, I look on both sides of the argument and try to debunk the lies on both sides with the facts and truth that is provided. I gather information from others who do the same and present it so that you may take away from it as you see fit. If I do a good job let me know.
location_onAlabama, United States
This channel may feature wildlife, guitars, cars, satire and parody, science, swords, and art. I regularly create unique and original content to improve my channel. I hope you can find something here which interests or stimulates you. ★ Fauna and flora photography posted here is my own property with all rights reserved ★ ★ All wildlife images posted here are taken in the wild (no photos of captive animals) ★ Many thanks to all minds who have viewed and shared this content. Thanks to those who have subscribed or perhaps unsubscribed. Thanks for just stopping by. 🦊🦊
Thank you for visiting my channel. Hope it can be entertaining and intellectual for everybody. My interest from news, history, communications engineering, science in general, photography, travel, amateur radio, MAGA, common sense.
Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told. Obedience is doing what is told regardless of what is right. — H.L. Mencken, 1880-1956, American columnist & cultural critic https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKo47Ae1vVXqEAQmd_NyqEQ https://odysee.com/@SickOfTheLies:5 https://rumble.com/user/Sick0fTheLies
Activism Musician Truth Music. NATURE LOVER (open-minded to live and let live) Some people would call me extremely brutally honest because the only reason why I'm brutally honest is having a photographic memory. I don't like putting up with white lies, pathological Liars, narcissists,s, and people walking around with false egos I'm just down to earth and completely honest because the only thing I really cover-up is my body with clothes. There's a lot of people that have photographic memories and a lot of them can't tolerate people that constantly tell White Lies because it screws with your head when you can remember everything a person says SO honest friends are hard to find! https://youtu.be/nGEeiWA6RlM https://youtu.be/PpR3dNA2Fgg https://youtu.be/GUc-POfFFis https://youtu.be/CkXPwzNc8L0 https://expeltheparasite.com/2013/10/28/the-holocaust-hoax-it-never-happened/ https://www.goodnewsaboutgod.com/studies/spiritual/home_study/holocaust_lie.htm https://newspunch.com/expect-911-false-flag-under-
A curious Mind. In the antiautorian right quadrant of the political compas Lover of the outdoors, especialy montains. Passionated about nitro chemical metal acceleration. It follows now the qoutes section: “Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.” (Carl Jung) "Political correctness is facism disguised as politeness." (George Carlin) “Moral indignation is a technique used to endow the idiot with dignity.” (Marshall McLuhan) "Strong people are harder to kill and generally more usefull " (Marc Ripetoe) I would like to see every woman know how to handle guns as naturally as they know how to handle babies. (Annie Oakley) "Si vis pacem parabellum" (Roman proverb) "Gravity never fails" (Unknown) "A gruesome war that just finished has again spared our dear Switzerland, as if by a miracle, not least because in 1939 we were able to count on 300'000 trained and well minded shooters. We always want to think about that, because there will be times when our riflemen are smiled at or even are molsted" (General Henri Guisan, Mai 1945)
🎵 🎧 🎵 Music is Flexible ~feel it~ ~Some of the visual content on this channel is not my work~
Welcome! In short, I'm into to exposing the real powerbrokers, their lies and propaganda. My mediachannels .. https://www.bitchute.com/5iF3R https://www.youtube.com/5iF3R "We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — on INFILTRATION instead of invasion, on SUBVERSION instead of elections, on INTIMIDATION instead of free choice, on GUERILLAS by night instead of armies by day” - JFK “Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.” - Winston, 1984, Orwell. I've been fooled so many times, just like most people. But I'm learning something new every day. My English is still pretty bad. Please forgive my grammatical misshaps. Tip: Want to learn quickly? Start listening to Alan Watt. NOT Watts, Watt. No S at the end. Remember.. Ye are many—they are few Oligarchy literally means 'a few' All tokens sent to me will be used to boost my own material and that of others that I find important. And you have my gratitude ^^. Videos: https://www.minds.com/5iF3R/videos Recommended Web: https://gefira.org https://cryptome.org https://wikispooks.com https://memoryhole.info https://henrymakow.com https://cuttingthroughthematrix.com Recommended on Minds: @Michael_Kingsbury @LaurenceBacchus @HideyJohnLoops @CorbettReport @TLAVagabond @Annieisverige @theantimedia @daneriksson @hhgraves86 @ActivistPost @Terjesdatter @xnuttymex @Saquedon @Milica42 @N.Morgan **************************** Honoring: @warriorprincess66 - Banned? @DrDudePhD - Banned? See my timeline for reminds of their work. @cownation (R.I.P.)
Sharing my vision of the Web 3.0 landscape and how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation of AI & blockchain as the host of Tech & Things. http://www.scottcbusiness.com/ - all my social channels and latest posts can be found here
Hello friends, my channel will present American news and also world news !!!!
Artist, Storyteller, Author of The Good Blood webcomic and more to come https://www.tgbcomic.com https://www.patreon.com/tgbcomic The Good Blood is a half-serious fantasy webcomic inspired by Slavic folklore and classical hero's journey themes, with a few horror elements here and there. I'm a lover of art from the beautiful to the grotesque. Fascinated with the craft of storytelling, my main goal is to learn it, explore it and tell some memorable stories on the way.
I am against the arrogance of the present world, and of slavery. I live like a free man I will die free! Adult blog forbidden to those who are impressed.!
Alabama, United States
Aug 2019
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