Jacob K. Graczyk

Artist, Storyteller, Author of The Good Blood webcomic and more to come https://www.tgbcomic.com https://www.patreon.com/tgbcomic The Good Blood is a half-serious fantasy webcomic inspired by Slavic folklore and classical hero's journey themes, with a few horror elements here and there. I'm a lover of art from the beautiful to the grotesque. Fascinated with the craft of storytelling, my main goal is to learn it, explore it and tell some memorable stories on the way.
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Artist, Storyteller, Author of The Good Blood webcomic and more to come https://www.tgbcomic.com https://www.patreon.com/tgbcomic The Good Blood is a half-serious fantasy webcomic inspired by Slavic folklore and classical hero's journey themes, with a few horror elements here and there. I'm a lover of art from the beautiful to the grotesque. Fascinated with the craft of storytelling, my main goal is to learn it, explore it and tell some memorable stories on the way.