
Everyone puts shit here, me I am to lazy... News, memes. and salty shit. Gaming on twitch as well.
#minamitakahashi 高橋みなみ (Minami Takahashi) aka たかみな(Takamina) is awesome. So far the only channel for Takamina. Official Facebook death sentence: 25 January, 2024 Official Facebook execution: 23 July, 2024 ************************************* Origin of my name: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Zhuge-Liang https://infogalactic.com/info/Zhuge_Liang ************************************* Topics: Guns Women Guns with women Women with guns Minami Takahashi Language Finance Science Mathematics Confucianism Engineering Technology Fitness *************************************
I am an inventor, author, blogger, Dream interpreter, researcher, teacher and most of all student of all things. I am a proud introvert, and often too edgy. I've been accused of being stupid, but never being closed minded; I always try to learn something new every day and like a true explorer I always share the most fascinating things I discover, everything I post will likely make you do a double-take if it doesn't just blow your mind, I focus my research on the subconscious mind to explore the deeper components to life.... click subscribe and let's go on an adventure together. I focus my posts on the most interesting and fascinating facts and misconceptions we have in society. My goal is to learn and share something new and interesting every day.
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Im a wife, mother, grandmother and a believer. John 14:6 I love life and try to bring positivity to a fallen world. @chrismadzier RIP 2-24-67-12-22-21 You will be truly missed my buddy. Minds member since April 2018.
All about animals.
Me, Just me. This is how I got past the 5000 character limit on the bio. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1364575682021036047
RV'er, Astrophotographer, Shooter, Welder, Wrencher, Drone Pilot, 3D Printer, Reloader, Biker, Bike Wrencher, Rock Picker, Fisherman, Hunter, R/C Cars, Meat Smoker, Boomer. Libertarian,,, Sort of. Always choose Dangerous Liberty over Peaceful Slavery. 🐫🐰🐐🐷🐄🦌🐕🐔🐟<meateater> Anything posted on this page is not necessarily the opinion or belief of the owner (me). (_8(o) Dohhh! Myths are our History. The Universe is Electric. The Sun controls our Atmosphere. Velikovsky was Right. Do your Research,,,,,, The Second Amendment was created to also protect all the other Amendments, primarily the right to FREE SPEECH... Man Cannot live on Mars, The Solar and Galactic radiation will damage his chromosomes and prevent red blood cells from producing. He. Will. Die.. Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Black Holes do not exist, they are things made up by man to make their math work. It's their Philosophy, their Religion. Get OFF my LAWN,,,,,,,,, Unless You Buy me a Beer; Paypal.me/kralcnek P.S. Reminding Is Best. Be A Re-Minder .
Activism Musician Truth Music. NATURE LOVER (open-minded to live and let live) Some people would call me extremely brutally honest because the only reason why I'm brutally honest is having a photographic memory. I don't like putting up with white lies, pathological Liars, narcissists,s, and people walking around with false egos I'm just down to earth and completely honest because the only thing I really cover-up is my body with clothes. There's a lot of people that have photographic memories and a lot of them can't tolerate people that constantly tell White Lies because it screws with your head when you can remember everything a person says SO honest friends are hard to find! https://youtu.be/nGEeiWA6RlM https://youtu.be/PpR3dNA2Fgg https://youtu.be/GUc-POfFFis https://youtu.be/CkXPwzNc8L0 https://expeltheparasite.com/2013/10/28/the-holocaust-hoax-it-never-happened/ https://www.goodnewsaboutgod.com/studies/spiritual/home_study/holocaust_lie.htm https://newspunch.com/expect-911-false-flag-under-
#Subscribe #Remind #Entertainment #Broadcasting #AI Art Topics: current events, news, commentary, entertainment, anthropology, creature, crop circles, cryptozoology, divination, entertainment, discovery, supernatural, folklore, government, labyrinths, legend, radio, archeology, monster, mystery, myth, paranormal, conspiracy, internet radio, aliens, ruins, science, urban legends, strange, UFO, & the unexplained
#LakeSuperiorAgates I Collect Lake Superior Agates! The Lake Superior Agate is Minnesota's Official State Rock and Gemstone. They were formed a Billion years ago in the lake Superior Area and Moved and distributed Across the State by Glacier Activity!I am always Looking for them, and I also Sell them on eBay ! Please Have a look at them and please consider buying some to Start or Add to your Lake Superior Agate Collection Today! #Lake_Superior_Agates #LakeSuperior #Lake_Superior #RockHound #Rock_Hound #Rock_Collector #Agates #Outdoors #Nature #Lakes #LakeAgates #Minnesota #MinnesotaStateRock #MinnesotaStateGem #MinnesotaStateGemstone https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_ssn=mnlaketreasures&_ipg=200&_from=R40&_nkw=agate&_sacat=0&_sop=15 - -- Lake_Superior_Agates @lakesuperioragates
I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
Jul 2019
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