Cloud motivations
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When you think about #Quiting, think about how you #Started. I encourage people, and I hope you will be encouraged. As you move through the day and in your business, my hope for you is that you feel powerful. That you use these #quotes to connect with yourself, clear your #mind, and move into the #world with self-confidence and appreciation for yourself and the world around you. #cloudmotivations
Vietnamese Canadian, Code Conjurer / Problem Solver, Father of three, son of God and faithful member of His one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
The Best memelord in the globe. Trust me :P
I'm a slow individual with bad grammar (working on it not really 🤣) who enjoys shitposting, memes, anime,gaming, politics and I might do or say stuff, you don't like but if you grow on me I'll give you dank memes and my autistic takes on stuff 😁 (I sometimes post satire or nsfw so far warning 🧐)
Mark Price Dream Pond: Lost in a world from a dream that never was, or could it be reality in the land of just because?!? If you are one of the musicians looking for some of the odd ball fingerings I use, it was easier to show than to tell. The vids are under (M1 at the Pond) And (Pa4X at the Pond) It started in Michigan with music. X-Navy (SteamPunk), Retired Telco, still music. Now it's made in Texas! Rough bits and pieces. Kind-a Early American Wedding Band with a touch of Twang! Instrumental interpretations, not intended for vocals, mostly. Tuned to 432hz "I am what I am, that's all that I am." Love, Light & Abundance, for all.
--- examining paths --- I do find values from places others might fear. - - -- - - Sometimes reminders of things about life have a person running away from the reminder to other diversions. Some just don't want the discomfort returned. Obviously (or not so obvious) I am not with interest to increase anyone's already too much discomfort. However if there is willingness to endure through to an understanding, there are these subjects which if explored well enough with a goal of empowering can be of help. Sometimes there is appreciation for a type of idea in this space... and then sometimes not. But it isn't the idea offered that determines which. The viewer viewing determines which. As long as I keep my personal intent clean (sometimes requiring razor edge discernment) then the posts themselves should be without harm... any harm possible then is harm added not by me. The process of my posting and the viewer viewing is a cooperation. A clashing should come if there is a mismatching of the ultimate goal. My razor tries to (and kind of does ok to) present ideas which are clean. Meaning without "evil" intention embedded. If any of that is encountered, it comes from a different source than where I am from. Wrapping this post up, please remember the fact that we work within the physical, which means there is an opposition - to everything. So what I am honest about, will seem to have a flavor of dis-honesty somewhere. Well, ultimately the totality of what is, is what one can know totally is. So any result of our mutuality is a sharing result. 100% responsibility.
Just a grumpy old man.
Industrial instrumentation and control systems professional, FEMA Zone 1, modern problems modern solutions. Also @LibertyD on gab, gettr, and others, the hat is just a hat in this case a ushanka from the old country, warm as heck and I like it. @DustinCournoyer on GETTR, @DustinJCournoyer on Locals.
Greetings, friend! I am Sir Persevere, a nerdy knight who has much to say on the happenings in pop culture as of late.
I'm Independent/Conservative, I do not subscribe to any political party but I strongly lean right. Anti Zionist, Nationalist I seek the truth. Try to be open minded. I believe in free speech, and 2nd amendment, believe in gun control “as in” hit what you are aiming at. Love My Guns and pity anyone that tries to take them from me! I'm a Vietnam Vet USMC. I will indeed defend the Constitution of these United States of America to my death. Am not anti government,I'm just anti this corrupt so called government. I can not and will not believe ANYTHING that This Government says or does. I am indeed in support of President Trump. At least at this point in time. “Drain the SWAMP.” I believe the Jews/Israel/Banksters/CIA/Military industrial complex, are the Enemies of these United States and her people and Needs to be DELETED/SWITCHED OFF and scattered to the 4 winds. I am still a work in progress AND subject to change my mind at any time
Life is a long lesson in humility.
Truth is the Light in the darkness. Christian-Single-Father-Army-Patriot..Pure Blood🩸... For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
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Oct 2021
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