
Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves, for we shall never cease to be amused. 🥰 Happily married for 30+ years. I'm tired of all the nonsense in the world today. Minds is a step in the right direction. I like gardening, cooking, photography and freedom. Hoping all that visit enjoy my random posts on things that interest me.
Creating a positive future for all life through regenerative systems.
The Observer is the Observed Passionate about all things plants. Polyculture, Herbalism, Plant Law, Garden Stone and Rockery A garden by a windy cliff #herbalism #garden #wildflower #secretgarden #isleoflewis #hebrides #permaculture #deepecology #environmental #ecology #regeneration #nature #spirit #beauty # Deep Ecology: An awareness of the oneness and interconnection of all life and its cycles of change and transformation.
The axioms of existence are unaffected by opinions. Irrational idealism is an epidemic. Lack of logic, cause and effect analysis as well as pervasive cognitive bias ever-increasing within the majority's repertoire of EMULATED thought processes are more dangerous than any other issues society faces. Negative feedback is not a crime. The majority of the population are not going to stop being ignorant to the point of criminal negligence just because you asked nicely. Stop being a honeydicker; negative feedback is required to stop the corrupted positive feedback loops, (if you are actually capable of knowing the actually truth of any matter that is & of course, you probably are not so you should stfu.) If you like logical thinking and you want to express that then give an upvote and remind but do not use your positive feedback as an advertisement by inserting your brand name in my thread. This thread is for the purpose of learning; not bullshit. Alongside of that; links are not necessarily "spam". If you are a seasoned intellectual and sharing well thought-out or researched intellectual content; superlative! I actually prefer a link rather than a wall of text. The MAJORITY better be paying attention right here! The majority of the population are wrong about everything they've ever thought was reasonable. It's just too simple to be true. As I am regularly showing people the complex perspective they commonly try to argue with me. (Imagine if YOU actually knew what you're talkin about and 90% of the people that talk to you all think they are an authority and they all have the exact same logically flawed, cognitively biased and ignorant arguments. Imagine that that's all you hear, day in and day out. Imagine how many times you have to repeat yourself. Are you even capable of empathizing? That's doubtful. Tread lightly here.) You don't want to agree with me, that's fine. Just don't bother me with it or with your asinine opinions about it; go find somebody else to argue with. I'm not your intellectual punching bag. Trolls and argumentative people will be blocked and any trace of them will be removed. (The majority are so ignorant that they become a liability and on top of it there are petty psychological terrorists and shills that use high school debate team bullshit as a weapon.) This is a haven for seasoned intellectuals, not petty children trying to play games. Adults understand that in order to understand we must focus on productive lines of questioning. I respect specialized expressions of consciousness and accuracy. Efficiency. That level of intellectual is welcomed and if you're not on that level then just read the productive expressions of logic, science and communications displayed in the threads here. #darkweb #intellectual #darkwebintellectual #Logical #Thinking For future gatherings, (group voice/video chat) join my group.
รักธรรมชาติ รักอิสระ #nature
I am a Paranormal Investigator, I have been within the Paranormal since being bred, I have been Investigating with ITC equipment for 4 years, I get really good evidence, Hear the dead speak, see shadow figures & Orbs, great screenshots from @FreeMusicJukebox. I also try new ways to get evidence of the paranormal, It is very interesting, I am going to try & help get information from spirit's to solve local cases that have been classed as cold cases, I cross spirit's to my Guides to help the spirit's move to their next realm wherever that may be, I try hard to help lost spirit's get their voices heard & pass messages to loved ones, Much Love all, Blessed Be Xx Xx
Another voice for current events and news the corporate media tries to hide.
Dec 2016
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