great-spirit lodge

Bio Welcome. My name is Alice Koh. Happily married. I teach yoga and reiki. I'm a therapist for physical and physiological ailments and also a wire artist. All jewelry pieces in my shop are specially handcrafted by me. I love to share the amazing history and metaphysical benefits of precious and semi-precious stones. They are sacred as they hold the imprints and energies of primordial Earth. Please like my articles if you find them informative. Also subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much. Note: photos on this channel unless otherwise stated are taken from the internet. I try as much as I can to credit the source to its rightful owner. Any research papers written, unless otherwise stated, are mine and are not to be duplicated without my permission. Peace and blessings to all of you ❤ Please visit my shop @ #crystals #energyhealing #spirituality #reiki #yoga
This is the preeminent hub for memes on Minds. The group was formerly known as the Minds+ Illuminati Meme Engagement Community (MIMEC) which was an exclusive club for Minds+ users to appreciate and engage each other’s dank memes away from the prying eyes of the plebs (tongue in cheek). The Minds team however made it impossible to post plus posts in groups anymore so this group underwent a identity change. Welcome. Please share your best memes here. * No spam, only memes * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on and engage with each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza Welcome! 🥃 #MindsPlus #Dankmemes #Memes #Meme #Dankmeme
All Photography sport 2022 Welcome dear friends to our group I am so very happy to see you here - - - - - - - - - - - - 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 you can post all sports photo games you can post up to 3 photos a day because other members have to post thank you friends Admin:👨‍💼@hajzer Manager:👨‍💼 @xhakaaa 👉🏻@anuarii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This group caters for memes, quotes and resources celebrating monetary justice in the spirit of the Austrian School of Economics. * No spam * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza Welcome! 🥃 #federalreserve #centralbank #monetarypolicy #monetaryjustice #monetaryjusticewarriors #Hayek #Mises #Rothbard #Hazlitt
This is the preeminent Pro-Crypto group on Minds which caters for the celebration of all things crypto including but not limited to related news, memes and further eye candy. * Admin is a Toxic Maximalist Bitcoiner. Deal with it. * No spam * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza Welcome! 🥃 #bitcoin #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptomemes #cryptoporn
Even though we do not understand the language of notes that make our hearts tremble, melodies unite us. When we are happy, unhappy, cheerful, alone, with friends, our common denominator is music. Let's meet at the tunes where we feel free. Hope you share your favorite songs...
We focus ourselves on the research, study and exploration of magic, the occult, metaphysics and its greatest thinkers and wizards. From Evola to Manly P. Hall, from Guénon to Crowley.
Welcome to One of the largest daily pick deals & steals, coupons , promotions website.
* No spam * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza #SpicyMemes #Dankmemes #Memes #Meme #Dankmeme #SpicyMeme #DarkHumour #DarkHumor
Cleaning up our roadways, trails, parks and waterways. Many hands make light work. Please join, share, and take action where you are! ✌❤🌍
AWAKENING - SELF EMPOWERMENT ................................................................ ~ COURAGE IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY ~ Ultimately, internal suffering is a daily practice imposed on one's self. While the residues affect those around us, the delusion is that there is no other way to fix our self - other than escape. In contrast, suffering the physical pains of liberation is a small price to pay to settle one's mind. Creating the conditions ourselves, purification enables the self to pass through the gateway. It seems to be no easy feat but simultaneously is an illusion that is easily broken - its success relies wholly on commitment, a skill we intimately know or have. Surrender, most importantly intention, are the gems of our wealth. Worthy demands when pursued, they hold the keys to the greatest reward - of finding our true nature and happiness by means of self actualization. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR ALL LIFE ............................................... GROUP NETWORK LIVING CLEAN GROUP -Addiction Recovery Support JUST4TDAY - Anger Management SINGING SOUL - Spritual Reflections ............................................... EXTERNAL LINKS MODERN KADAMPA BUDDHISM - Authentic Spiritual Development
May 2020
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