The Meme Hub

This is the preeminent hub for memes on Minds. The group was formerly known as the Minds+ Illuminati Meme Engagement Community (MIMEC) which was an exclusive club for Minds+ users to appreciate and engage each other’s dank memes away from the prying eyes of the plebs (tongue in cheek). The Minds team however made it impossible to post plus posts in groups anymore so this group underwent a identity change. Welcome. Please share your best memes here. * No spam, only memes * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on and engage with each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza Welcome! 🥃 #MindsPlus #Dankmemes #Memes #Meme #Dankmeme
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UPDATE: This is the preeminent hub for memes on Minds. The group was formerly known as the Minds+ Illuminati Meme Engagement Community (MIMEC) which was an exclusive club for Minds+ users to appreciate and engage each other’s dank memes away from the prying eyes of the plebs (tongue in cheek). The Minds team however made it impossible to post plus posts in groups anymore so this group underwent a identity change. Welcome. Please share your best memes here.


👀Change comes from within ! 👲That is were it starts ! 🤡Only you can change your world no one else ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀True medicine does not come from a lab/factory. 🤓The body is an organism with an amazing self regulating healing power it only need the right fuel to let this engine work well 👲This starts with real natural food! 🌴Because true medicine from the earth is food (=energy for the engine) 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀Yeah lets think things over ! 🤡There is a time for action, a time for rest and a time to think things over ! 🤓PLUR😎N🙏


👀Like false belief in: governments, institutions, big co operations, scientism and religion. 🤡They all only serve to sell you a story 👲and other products for their own gains in wealth, power and control over others ! 🤓PLUR😎N🙏


👀A Warrior and a Saint. ☯Two sides of the same coin.🤡All emotional aspects of who we are as humans.👲And yes one can talk critical and give warnings about things happening in the world and talk about deeper insights !🤓PLUR😎N🙏


👀Truth: they make money with selling you chemical, artificial poisons 👲that suppress symptoms.🤡Ask the question why would they even really cure you if they can keep making money of you being sick? 🤓PLUR😎N🙏


👀”Instinct is something that transcends knowledge”-Nikola Tesla 🤡Sometimes if you know you just know. 🤓It just feels right ! 😎Peace Love Unity Respect and Namaste🙏


👀Smile ! 😊look if he can do it everyone can. 🤓When you smile you attune to joy a positive vibe. 🤡So smile smile and smile often ! 😎Peace Love Unity respect and Namaste🙏


👀14 and 15 July, days to honor my parents, the dates they passed away. 🤓They gave us a good youth and learn us a lot about life: the good , bad and even some ugly. 🐻For me the Bear represent my Mother and she would be proud about how her family deals with the harsh parts of life! 👲So keep living it ! 🤓PLUR😎N🙏


👀14 and 15 July, days to honor my parents, the dates they passed away.🤓They gave us a good youth and learn us about life: the good, bad and ugly. 🦅For me the Eagle represent the spirit of my father and that spirit soars above the negative for he is flying for the sun 👲and thus in a positive light ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀A simple funny meme today because one needs a bit humor also at times inbetween serious critical messages about the world👲and serious insight about you inner mind thoughts, conscience, soul and spirit ! 🤡Just take a breath, laugh and smile before you move again......🤓PLUR😎N🙏

This is the preeminent hub for memes on Minds. The group was formerly known as the Minds+ Illuminati Meme Engagement Community (MIMEC) which was an exclusive club for Minds+ users to appreciate and engage each other’s dank memes away from the prying eyes of the plebs (tongue in cheek). The Minds team however made it impossible to post plus posts in groups anymore so this group underwent a identity change. Welcome. Please share your best memes here. * No spam, only memes * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on and engage with each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza Welcome! 🥃 #MindsPlus #Dankmemes #Memes #Meme #Dankmeme