
A Kansasn just trying to make due to what he's got. Gamer, reader, and nightshifter in the land of Oz... PC Gamer and mini-itx form factor fan, YouTube videos are purely raw game dumps from PC or snips from my PS4 gaming time, yes amateur sums up my video skills. I'm a real big fan of Planetside 2, so most footage is from that. Steam: -Blam!- That Nanner Puddin' Xbox: That Confused 1 Planetside 2: NuNanners on Connery server (Vanu faction.) PSN: ThatConfused1
Feminist & SJW - Kidding! Constitution Enforcer, Individual Rights Supporter, Truth Teller, & Master of None.
Taxation is Theft... Also i'm an animator/artist
I am a bit of a dork and can be shy at first. My name is Stephanie Anne Rebecca Dover-Lee. But everyone calls me Tink I just may be the real Tinkerbell. Puberty was real weird for me. Besides. I have a little problem... .....cause when I fart, Pixie Dust flies out of my ass!!! AS IF!!!!!!! Cheerleading was once my life. I'm scared to death of being in front of an audience... weird considering I was in front of people all the time cheerleading. Go figure......... I love music. I couldn't live without it. Favorite thing ever. My friends mean the world to me. There have been times that i just wanted to cry and they make it all seem better... even if it is just a little bit. I'm a pretty creative person I wish I could draw better. I love painting. Its very calming. Buffy is my favorite show ever. Thats it, I think...... :) Random Facts~~~~~ I wash my hands a lot. I tend to brush my teeth up to 5 times a day. I wear a size 4 ring. I am a chronic masturbater. Literally only one person knows everything about me. A boy!! Weird huh? I drive a Mustang. I've "hit" my car 2 times. First time wasn't my fault. Hoe hit me!! I fucking swear!! I cuss all the time. I love thunder storms. I write in pen. Even though I like pencil better. When I was little I tried to make myself left handed. I don't look in the mirror in the morning. I Love... Snow. Coffee Beans. Raspberry Red Bulls. Green Apple Lollipops. Taking Pictures. Sleeping. Dancing. Puffy Dresses Pettiskirts Long Full Skirts Buffy My Friends. Ice Cubes. Gum. Mints. The Color Pink. MP3's Doodling. Boys. :) Girls!!! :P Music. Singing In The Car. Guitar Hero. Cheerleading. Reading Magazines. Reading Good Books. Spinning In Circles. Dogs. Cuddling. Hugs. Laying On The Floor.
Person of the human variety. Sort of.
I'm just trying to add a dash of sanity to the world. No step on snek DqW.four.W.nien.wGxCq let me know if you figure that out ;3 #krinapproved NYTD:
Gender this, gender that if you are cisgender you are fucking nazi. I have just transitioned to Attack Helicopter! My new gender pronouns are Ka-52 Aligator and Hokum B.
Gamer, lover of music, art, very into fashion. Atheist, secularism. Love Gothic stuff, I am also a crossdresser, UK.
█♥█♠█♣█♦█♫█✓█ / Creative, fun, complex, conservative. Fraternal twin, so add idiosyncratic. I ♥♠ but never ♣ my alcoholic spaniel. She's a real ♦. "The left does not win its battles in debate...The left wins because it controls the narrative. The narrative is controlled by the media. The left is the media. Narrative is everything." -- Andrew Breitbart Ignorance is the currency of the left, so to run its economy, the left must print more ignorance. But the paper on which it's printed is made of students and media consumers.- Moi If you love illegal aka illegitimate immigration you love rape, child trafficking and sex slavery, murder, and ruining the environment. You love turning back the clock on modernity at every chance. You hate human rights, you hate Natural Rights, you hate education, and you hate America. Basically, you're a horrible person and you should feel deep shame. Big Social Battle Scars: Twitter Lost the first Twitter account for calling out the "reporter" who doxxed Officer Darren Wilson. Lost #2 and #3 (really my backup accounts) while sitting idle so I guess they figured out they were mine XD Lost #4, #5, #6 for the crime of tweeting support to Milo the day before he was permanently banned and using a meme and hashtag that mocked #trigglypuff. Literally went poof the moment I hit send. I love that I triggered them that much. If you aren't triggering SJW cultists, you're just doing it wrong.
Feb 2017
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