
Let me share some of my insights as a Daughter Sister Wife Mother Friend Mentor Educator Gardener Writer Cook Seamstress Designer A lifetime of roles and experiences. I'm so glad I have the wisdom of scripture, loving family, caring friends, supportive colleagues to walk with me on this amazing journey. My hope is to encourage those who read my posts to put God's word into action with discernment and wisdom.
A place to discuss and explore Christianity and its rich and vast history; to learn from that "great cloud of witnesses", the Church Fathers -- those who have learned from the Apostles and left us their writings. ---- GROUP RULES I don't want this place inundated with arbitrary rules, so here's a few basic principles I'd expect any Christian to uphold. Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. • We affirm the Nicene Creed and what is considered historical orthodoxy (mainly summed up in the creed: virgin birth; life, death and physical resurrection of Christ, and the Triune God). • Don't hate. No racism, bullying, personal/targeted attacks, ad homs or ill intent of any kind. Love one another as Christ loves you. • If you do have a problem with someone, follow the biblical principles: talk to that person to find resolve. Failing that, make a group chat with an admin to oversee. If all else fails, ignore them and don't engage. Personally I'd prefer it if people didn't block one another but do as you must if you are antagonised. • Discuss and debate respectfully. Remember, the tongue has the power to give and take life, bless and curse — so learn to control it. Don't provoke someone into a fruitless argument to make a point. • Do all things in love for the encouragement and building up of one another in Christ. We're here to study and learn as iron sharpens iron, not win points in an argument. • If you make a claim, be prepared to back it up with Scripture and/or historical/relevant texts • Don't block admin's or you will be removed unless you unblock them. • I realise we have a lot of people from all over the world here now, but if possible, please post in English or provide a translation just so the group is accessible to all members as much as possible :) • No advertising or spam posts or you will be
the poetry core of Lightly moderated. Post your poems, others', flash fictions, resources and essays about poetry. Keep it to one post a day. #themindspoetrygroup the minds dream group: the minds Formula 1 group:
Здесь можно постить все, что угодно, если это мем. You may post here everything you want exept things that are not memes!!
Parenting is not without its challenges. No one needs a license to parent. But without some basic know-how, what should be rewarding can be overwhelming. So share the lessons you've learned, the challenges you have overcome, and the joys that are yours as parents.
Scriptural wisdom to encourage loving loyalty in your marriage.
Give me the tongue of a teacher that I may comfort the weary with a word. All things related to learning and teaching. Encourage other teachers and learners with words of wisdom and personal insights.
ALL things #Science and #Technology #Discussion #Infosharing #Research #Investigation Group Rules: Members are free to share a maximum of 3 "Science and technology" related posts per day Spammers will be dealt with accordingly
Are you looking for spiritual direction? The bible claims to be the word of God, and a source of teaching on how to live life successfully. This group is for the purpose of discussing the teachings of God in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures and how they relate to living in the world in the 21st century.
Cleaning up our roadways, trails, parks and waterways. Many hands make light work. Please join, share, and take action where you are! ✌❤🌍
A place for open discussion. The emphasis is on learning from another's perspective so please source when you can and be prepared to explain your position with respect. specific media and support media only. Get creative, Minds! #MindsImages tag required #minds tag advised #art tag recommended All off-topic posts, self promotion and spam will be deleted. Blocking an admin is also not permitted so do not do it. Self promotion must be discussed with @FretzCapo via pm. #art #gifs #memes #minds #MindsImages
RIP to the original Freedom Gardening Group, may this new start bring just as many useful posts on self sufficiency, gardening tips, and lively discussions. All gardening, homesteading, foraging, and related self sufficient content is welcome (canning, soap making, herbalism, etc...)
Mar 2018
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