Judeo Christian Discussion

Are you looking for spiritual direction? The bible claims to be the word of God, and a source of teaching on how to live life successfully. This group is for the purpose of discussing the teachings of God in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures and how they relate to living in the world in the 21st century.
Type: All

Just a reminder ... this discussion group is for people who are interested in the scriptures, both old and new covenant, and thus Judeo Christian. Please only post relevant discussion material. Thanks.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CQMyyL6Mk8&ab_channel=JudeoChristian The Judeo Christian vision and mission were the motivating forces behind the preaching of the gospel to the world in the first century. This vision is alive today and gives us hope for the future in the Kingdom...See more


This group is for discussing the teachings of scripture and their application in our lives today. This is not a place for prophetic speculations, personal stories, or geo-political discussions. Our purpose is to consider the Word of God and how it applies in our daily lives so we are living in the light and not being overwhelmed by the darkness in the society around us. So our focus is on God and the light and not on the agents of darkness.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQ0TDm5vZYk Amos Speaks Truth to Power Amos, the prophet, understood that the Lord God loved his people, even though they had rebelled time after time. So God had commissioned Amos, a farmer, to take a message to the leaders of the Northern Ten...See more


Jesus Affirms the Role of the Prophet Jesus told his followers that they should not misunderstand his intentions. He did not come to abolish the law or the prophets. Rather, Jesus understood the important role of the prophet in ensuring that God’s purpose would be achieved. This...See more


https://youtu.be/hs707VYcjyc A Time to Speak Walking With God comes with a Responsibility God’s wisdom tells us that there is a time for everything, a season for silence and a time to speak As those called by God’s mercy into a relationship with him, we begin a new life of...See more


https://youtu.be/pSByNubTsGI Messiah Our Healer and Shepherd A Passover Message – Messiah Our Healer In 1740 the Messiah oratorio was first performed. It was a tribute to the Passover season and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This was in keeping with the traditions...See more


https://youtu.be/BA7QFd8odHs Are We Prepared for Battle? Our spiritual enemy is powerful and relentless, so scripture tells us that we need to gird our loins with truth. Jesus having done battle with the Adversary, knew we needed to stay alert and be prepared. In his final prayer...See more


https://youtu.be/C_Okt3bRw2c?si=u_8Bhp_LBjNnzrWO The spiritual battle that we face daily requires us to protect our heart with the breastplate of righteousness.. So what advice do the scriptures provide to help us prepare for the spiritual challenges which will test us?


JudeoChristian more_horiz @JudeoChristian · 9s Fighting the Mind Worms Everyone who believes Christ’s message is engaged in spiritual warfare. Yet, too many Christians are losing the battle by playing old worn-out scripts in their heads. They have developed a negative mindset,...See more

Are you looking for spiritual direction? The bible claims to be the word of God, and a source of teaching on how to live life successfully. This group is for the purpose of discussing the teachings of God in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures and how they relate to living in the world in the 21st century.