Judeo Christian Discussion

Are you looking for spiritual direction? The bible claims to be the word of God, and a source of teaching on how to live life successfully. This group is for the purpose of discussing the teachings of God in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures and how they relate to living in the world in the 21st century.
Type: All

Just a reminder ... this discussion group is for people who are interested in the scriptures, both old and new covenant, and thus Judeo Christian. Please only post relevant discussion material. Thanks.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CQMyyL6Mk8&ab_channel=JudeoChristian The Judeo Christian vision and mission were the motivating forces behind the preaching of the gospel to the world in the first century. This vision is alive today and gives us hope for the future in the Kingdom...See more


This group is for discussing the teachings of scripture and their application in our lives today. This is not a place for prophetic speculations, personal stories, or geo-political discussions. Our purpose is to consider the Word of God and how it applies in our daily lives so we are living in the light and not being overwhelmed by the darkness in the society around us. So our focus is on God and the light and not on the agents of darkness.


JudeoChristian more_horiz @JudeoChristian · 9s Fighting the Mind Worms Everyone who believes Christ’s message is engaged in spiritual warfare. Yet, too many Christians are losing the battle by playing old worn-out scripts in their heads. They have developed a negative mindset,...See more


The story of Ruth traditionally read on Pentecost unites by analogy the two great covenants of God - the national covenant between the Lord God and Israel and the everlasting covenant with God the Father. It is a story of loving loyalty and commitment to the God of Israel and the need for a redeemer. Learn more about Pentecost and God's plan for salvation for all people. https://rumble.com/v51tmxg-pentecost-and-the-tale-of-two-covenants.html


https://youtu.be/AZl_tP2f8-I Premiering a video from June 2016. Have our problems changed or is the scripture even more relevant to today's issues as they were 8 years ago! You be the judge. Our world and it’s global marketing system is bowing under the weight of its debt. But...See more


https://youtu.be/spzN-IOu_Ik?si=mWfVdkzLagbFAUkH God Provides Good Things Are we trusting that God provides good things for those who love Him? Do we believe as Paul did when he wrote to the Romans that God works for the good in every circumstance of our lives? In a time of fiscal and physical uncertainties, when the wealthy privileged and protected in society trust in their riches and others on the opposite end of the financial ladder seem to suffer unduly due to the vagaries of economics, what is our security?


https://youtu.be/PXvXSmapx5g?si=PEtch5NTT4YHYYxa This sermon takes us back in time to help us review the scriptural insights into the issue of freedom and slavery,Was it really 4 years ago that the world was subjected to ‘stay at home’ orders, the lock down of many businesses,...See more


https://youtu.be/G4Wq9QERFfs?si=tjeCNiI_OmyT271o Leaders in Times of Trouble There was a time of great calamity in the history of the people of Israel. They had suffered for twenty years under the cruel hand of Jabin of Hazor their enemy. They needed wise and dedicated leadership...See more


Day 7 of the Spring Feast Hope is a Choice Hope is a Choice not mere Optimism If you were facing the Red Sea on one side and the Egyptian army on the other, what would you be thinking? Many in this moment of fear and dread, 3643 years ago, trapped between the water and the...See more

Are you looking for spiritual direction? The bible claims to be the word of God, and a source of teaching on how to live life successfully. This group is for the purpose of discussing the teachings of God in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures and how they relate to living in the world in the 21st century.