Nicholas Peter Urgero
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I'm Brian. My aim is to create relevant content that impacts, engages and entertains! Enjoy!
Smashing the pyramid one brick at a time Collective Evolution is a conscious media and education company focused on helping to shift our world through two key avenues: News Media – reporting on world events through a truly neutral lens, and exploring the role these events play in the evolution of human consciousness. Consciousness Education – Providing viewers with the solutions and tools necessary to build self-awareness, expand consciousness, connect with self and be an integral part of shifting our world. Founded by Joe Martino 2009, CE has grown to become one of the world’s most popular conscious media outlets that provides readers and viewers an opportunity to expand their consciousness, unlock their potential and reshape their everyday way of being. CE’s unique formula merges consciousness and spirituality with all aspects of life and events we experience on a regular basis.
Your DIY source for Sustainable living and getting closer to the earth in these modern times. Or not aND still get great content.  Support what you believe in, like and share, and go out there and DO!
Sovereign Lovestream is a love, sex & psychedelics podcast with hosts Vanessa Velez & Danny Panzella. Vanessa and Danny share their stories of how they did everything wrong in their relationship, how they corrected course and the modalities they are using to healing themselves and their relationship.
I am a servant of Truth, and Truth alone. “There are only two mistakes on the road to Truth, not starting, and not going all the way.” Buddha my charge here on Earth is to educate others on Human Slavery, and how to end it. Government is the worlds standardized system of Slavery. I am an Anarchonist (An means “No”, archon means “master”) this means I follow no masters but myself and do not accept anyones claim of ownership over me or other conscious beings such as animals, which is one reason I am Vegan. I know there is no legitimacy to authority and that the belief in authority is the greatest divide between those who understand Truth, Love and Freedom, and those who do not.
Agorist. Cypherpunk. Disintermediator. Crypto-Anarchist. Rothbardian. pod :: The Agora. blog :: The New Libertarian #logic #revisionism #countereconomics
A platform not only for liberty and truth world wide, but a platform for individual independent journalists that care about the message of liberty throughout the world. WAM was born as Winnipeg Alternative Media in March 2013. For years, WAM had put out hard hitting reports and truly conquered politics in Canada, changing awareness, especially in central Canada. In September, 2015, Josh Sigurdson created World Alternative Media. We've done dozens of confrontational pieces including Bilderberg members such as Conrad Black and David Frum, politicians like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Finance Minister Bill Morneau, Bernie Sanders, Premier Greg Selinger, dozens of other politicians around the circular spectrum of collectivism. We hold politicians accountable at our own risk and provide the information Mainstream Media doesn't. We do regular video reports on the latest breaking news as well as news you've probably never heard elsewhere. We are nomadic, so we release interesting videos from all over the world. We've covered stories on the ground in the middle east, west Africa, Europe and North America. We've released several big documentaries and interview renowned experts and personalities. We're journalism by the people for the people.
Ben Swann has spent 20 years working as a journalist in broadcast news, behind and in front of the camera. Swann began his journalism career in El Paso, Texas as a news photographer, quickly working his way up to prime time anchor. Along the way, Swann became a two time Emmy Award winner and two time recipient of the Edward R. Murrow Award. Covering Mexico’s drug war, Ben Swann discovered the national media was not reporting the truth of what was actually happening in Mexico’s drug war or the problems associated with the failed “War on Drugs” in the United States.
Illinois, United States
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Apr 2017
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