
@NannetteKnowsMen Sexual Anthropologist and American Authoress Nannette LaRee Hernandez, is currently the only PTSD-Related Intimacy-Issues Expert in the world, and an anomaly when it comes to having a very clear understanding of the Primal Instinct of Men. Her expertise is by education, trade, experience and exploration, and she uses it to assist men in powerful, stressful careers: SAS Australian Army Special Forces; Navy SEALS; British Intelligence; American CIA, FBI, NSA, and Federal Marshals; Military Combat Warriors; Active and Veteran Military personal of all ranks in multiple countries, and First Responders and Emergency Services Personal, worldwide. For eight years, Nannette has specialized in giving unorthodox sex and relationship advice to the wives and partners of military men who suffer from Combat PTSD, or work in very high-stress careers. She has assisted women in understanding Essential Facts about PTSD-Related Intimacy-Issues, such as how emotionally detached a man becomes on deployment---and why there’s no simple ‘back switch’ that he can just 'flip-on' inside his brain, when he returns home. Nannette has spent decades doing resourceful and hands-on research in the Field of Sexuality with virtuosos in the sex industry, and by delving indepthly into the works of long lost, and often ignored, historical advise and information authored by almost every skilled sex and romantic relationship expert in the world, from Anthropology to Human Sexuality to The Bible. In 2018, Nannette's work lead her to discover "The Agony Element™: a methodical context in which numerous aspects of Acute, Chronic and Complex Traumas are alleviated through sex acts with an accommodating, accepting and trusted partner." She recognized through her analysis, that sexual release with a trusted partner who knew their mate’s secrets, and who accepted their mate’s core-damage, was the primordial solution to relieving numerous aspects of trauma.
Still upset they kept my weed in this bust.
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Jun 2018
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