
Surreal artist looking for alternative ways My Facebook Page BTC/ETH address 0x15255e6Be25778d685A0750Ec3db598897584578 every special request Pm me
human supremacist (unless the emergence of a space-adapted race of humans should be confirmed, in which case - sieg zeon!) I like memes without words. 07 Pizza is literally a perfect food capable of satisfying all diet requirements and meal types. ❤ 🍍+🍕 if you still have the lightbulb as your profile image, I am less likely to subscribe. I'm also wary of people who subscribe to me without ever having even 👎 a post of mine
This Channel Is A Fan Page Dedicated To My Favorite RTS Video Game Franchise, The Command & Conquer Series. Here We Focus Primarily On The C&C Game Command & Conquer Rivals.
Thank you for visiting my channel!
Yup yup. Drop that zero and get with the hero. Time for Anime yo. #anime #music #earjuice I'm on YouTube.
I love Orgasmic Experiences, I can easily die of boredom. I can't handle normose infected people. Music, Aircraft's, Bikes, Computers, Mechanical Clocks, Electronics all that things and stuff...
founder of CALICO Unlimited, IndepenDance Productions, 100 & 41 Corporation, QalTeq Qompute, Scherzinger & Sullivan, et al.
Sic semper tyrannis, the winners of wars write history like the MSM tells the truth A fraud president has no nation the fraudemic is evident the sky is falling again How is your fraudemic today? always have to play the players before they play you "life is a journey travel" fraudemics suck the looneys are running the asylum government has proven to be non essential during this false flag event they should prorate property tax ......they did nothing for months and months and months the treason is real government has proven to be non - essential ungovernable government is non-essential, obviously the beginning is near common sense is not very common anymore fuk government it violates human rights the beginning is near scamdemic water takes up 10% more volume when it freezes google stop being evil those who control the memes control the world decentralized avoid the democrat(pedocrat) for happy life One Race, Human Race Human Race, One Race everybody has to get microwaved 5G Ameriphoebes suck socialism is communism for dummies mandatory daily drug testing for all public servants except, garbage men and dog catchers scandal = felony ....lets be politically correct politics.... poly = many..... tics = parasites There is nothing politically correct and there will never will be! politically correct is an oxymoron
Mar 2018
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