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Creativity, Culture, Collaboration (Lost in space) #MindsGaming

#MindsGamingJun 13, 2022, 4:33:32 PM

Welcome to another blog, today we are talking about collaboration through creativity and culture. With the many fake scams, projects, and get rich quick promises getting involved in a project attached to a cryptocurrency can be hard. 

With our little community its about creativity and collaboration. We focus on building cultures not promises of amazing profits and millionaire status. 

With a structured community based off creators, topics and participation in collaborative projects our cryptocurrency ecosystem is managed by the creators who launched the token to support there favorite topics and creations in our community.

Our goal is to make you fully independent and expand past our little community topics into your own independent culture for your passion. Of course we'd love if you stuck around and built with us helping maintain groups, run projects and support other creators in our community.

Anyone in our community can launch a token to help support a topic or run activities in our community. Top creators and participants in our ecosystem have blockchain tokens, but you can always start the grind with an off-chain hook. 

What Moon? 

The cryptocurrency atmosphere has quickly become a game of how can I make the most money the fastest over using the technology for decentralized ecosystems, platforms and expansion of the culture.

Don't ask when the moon is we are lost in space. Luckily we have been able to build a space station so we have everything we need wherever we are. If you see the moon please tell us so we don't drift back home. 

Space Station: 

Community Website

Virtual Hubs & Cards 


Rewards & Activity 



Adding Ecosystem To Metamask