Just a homeless Irish/Cajun American wandering this great country trying to follow the path of God and sharing the crazy content I make in my free time. God bless you all!
A chaotic neutral human cleric
dedicated to politically incorrect Dharma, freedom of thought and expression,
and truth no matter how obnoxious.
For example, my recent blog: politicallyincorrectdharma.blogspot.com
My main fascinations over the past few years have been 1. observing the cultural civil war raging throughout the west; 2. trying to reconcile spiritual values with harsh political, worldly realities; and 3.trying to reconcile
spiritual values with the fact that
human beings are a species of ape.
Also I do hereby announce that a SubscribeStar support page has been set up on my behalf, here: https://www.subscribestar.com/philosophical-dharma
CC Airdrops is my crypto Airdrop platform for Free Cryptocurrency. We are on YouTube, and many other new social media platforms . Fecbook, YouTube and 3 other New platforms. My links are posted below. Also part of the Current movment against the global elite
I smoke trees unapologetically. Gas and smart ass shit, all me...
Sound of color
Tint of sunder
What does water taste like?
I need to learn more about haikus before I try to write one... or is it the right one? It was a “high” coo