
ジェレミー カラス | Джереми Ворон | Secret Societies • Necromancy • Tantra • Lucid Dreaming • Cartomancy • Luciferianism • Aspiring Polyglot: Français 日本語 русскийязык
I learn by audio visual means best so videos might be my bag. I wanna have discussion about my content to further my perspective, I just want to share my path on the journey to truth I don't always wanna be heavy because I'm searching for solutions, and like the light that provides but once in a while ya just gotta cut loose and have fun or express
Life goes on. I deserve better, but don't we all. INFJ No TV. Logic Question Everything #Dragracing #disability #advocate #humor #happy For a further look into my bio, see @Farlig_D
Ex-Host of The Dark Side of the Room radio show, Musician, Philosopher and Seeker of Wisdom My other sites: ----------------------- - Powerpoints & Slideshows on different topics/subject matter ..................................................................................................... - a Mirror site for the Powerpoint presentations on - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Music and Musical mash-ups ------------------------------------------------ Movie Mash-up Hosting site: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Channels subbed: 1) KILLUMINATI13420, 2) NewWorldAgenda, 3) POSEIDON, 4) HighImpactFlix, 5) Mark Dice, 6) Real Liberty Media, 7) RichieFromBoston, 8) Ceylon, 9) The Red Elephants, 10) Take the RedPill, 11) Earthling_Carl, 12) SGT Report, 13) Press For Truth, 14) Amazing Polly, 15) Brother Nathanael, 16) mlchristiansen, 17) Justin Trouble, 18) 13 o'clock Podcast, 19) Truthstream Media. 20) UnframeofMind, 21) Barbara4u2c, 22) Constitutionalist Libertarian, 23) Black Pigeon Speaks, 24) Daisy Cousens, 25) ToxicAngel, 26) Wicked Felina, 27) MAXAMILIUM, 28) SYNTHICIDE, 29) Norse-Wolf, 30) zakleosebumbar 31) DrunkenUncle 32) worldaffairs2021 ------------------------------------------------ Megashare (50 gig) Link 1: Link 2: ------------------------------------------------- Top Channels to visit: @Milica42 @MarkSalo @HeyokaChiefBigMouth @Olympiacos36 @HumansAreFree @jcity @LaurenceBacchus @cownation @SuperFurryNova @CountDibbula @CynicalC @Davidallenjones @Elicia @tonytwotellys @Odipides @FlashSomebody @Zombienomicon @OzMerlin @Shakara @AMSugerman @LovingMommyLeah @Shannon222 @kpr37 @BigbyLupo @icliks @AMSugerman @katherinevanuden @teacher_andy @gaelicgirl @healthnutnews (Erin Elizabeth) @bradyalex @mymindisheavierthanyours @worldaffairs2021 --------------------------
Sharing my vision of the Web 3.0 landscape and how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation of AI & blockchain as the host of Tech & Things. - all my social channels and latest posts can be found here
Mostly Harmless, just enjoying life on the Gulf Licensed Ham Radio operator
Peaceful Parent, Philosopher and Host of Freedomain, the world's largest philosophy conversation!
i care about you. I care about what other people think. I want children one day and i want this world to be one that is safe for their development, for my grandchildren, for your grandchildren. I want to do something about the problems that I see in the world. I want to help others and find and create balance through truth. I'm not interested in racism, bigotry, or arrogance (#virtuesignal). I want truth and I want balance.   
Sunu Akkad, Blogger Self-Improvement and Dominating Life 🏆 TeeSpring Store -
☯️ Harbinger of Truth☀️. All is💕Love. Fear😈 is Illusion ⏳. All 👫 beings are Free🌏.Truth⭐️ can never be 💥destroyed. ☯️
A free thinker with an attitude!
Jun 2015
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