If you are a racist black, white or other please move on. Don't want any of that here. I love all humans and wish everyone the best.
Nature lover, 2A supporter, constitutionalist with libertarian leanings.
Working stiff making cartoons on the side a poet and a M.G.T.O.W all of my videos are on Vidme @JeffStrike if you want to see them all in one place. Pinterest link also https://www.pinterest.com/jessstrike901/
I use a fake name but that is par for the course.
Critical Thinker / Skeptic. Artist / Comic Nerd. Libertarian / Vegetarian. Probably a little high.
Please bear with me while this profile takes form (I think it's becoming a little bit clearer now); but until then: Welcome to my outlet for original content I've migrated to Minds after realizing that having the wrong opinion on Facebook is a problem, and that I'd rather find real conversation and debate in a community based on the free flow of art and ideas. As such, I would prefer using my screen name (@ThinkAndDestroy) the retain at least some level of anonymity (at least for the time being).