
location_onPathfinding for the Vanguard!
Здесь можно постить все, что угодно, если это мем. You may post here everything you want exept things that are not memes!!
Put another quarter in the #JUKEBOX Post n' share your random #COOL #CLASSIC #80's (#Eighties) #music and #tunes Admin: @Jokerman
Post anything related to the Mandela Effect. Don't rely on wiki, read the case study of Dr Blair Reich PhD Preachers Experienced the Mandela Effect Admins & Moderators: @MandelaEffect @Conduct @PunkTV @PleaseHelp @TokenBank We also allow some memes and other interesting topics. You can post your own video as long as the topic is the Mandela Effect. Feel free to Invite Others. Have a Nice Day.
Not all Communists are Marxists, but all Nazis and Fascists are Marxists - even if they are in denial. All of them promote evil, destructive ideologies rooted in the same fundamental errors. All socialist and communist factions were and are permanently at each other's throats. In the USSR, it started with Mensheviks vs Bolsheviks, then Stalin vs. Trotsky, Fascists vs. Italian Socialists (Mussolini had been a life-long member of the Socialist party before creating the Fascist party), the National German Socialists Workers Party vs. the Communist Party of Germany (Hitler had been a member of the Communist party before co-founding the NSDAP), Mao's China vs. the Vietcong, the Vietcong vs. the Khmer Rouges etc. It's a bit like the different factions of Islam which have been fighting each other since Mohammed's death. Totalitarian ideologies will always attract power-hungry psychopaths who will fight each other for control.
Beauty is beauty, that’s all there is to it. If you are interested in you, then you’re stuck with you and you’re stuck with your death. But if you get interested in beauty, then you’ve latched on to something mysterious inside your soul that grows like a secret insane thought, and takes over completely when you die, and you’re IT. :: Please check in to see dates of upcoming shows :: :: Please post ART, MUSIC & any pertaining content and/or contributions for future shows :: :: THANK YOU ::
A doc-series about The Creative Minds Underground. A Infinite Imaginarium and MindsGaming Production.
News, discussion, and activism related to protecting and expanding the right to keep and bear arms. Keep discussions civil, and on topic. If I cannot tell, at a glance, how your post relates to the right to keep and bear arms, there's a good chance it will be treated as spam. Spam posts will be deleted. Spammers will be removed from the group. Obvious spammers, and repeat spammers will be banned. Also, please invite your subscribers. Owner: @ButchCrassidy
Welcome to Police Misconduct, a dedicated group focused on raising awareness, advocating for justice, and addressing issues of police misconduct. Our community is committed to promoting transparency, accountability, and reform within law enforcement. In this group, we come together to share news articles, videos, and personal experiences that shed light on instances of police misconduct. We encourage respectful discussions and thoughtful analysis of these incidents, aiming to foster a better understanding of the underlying problems and their impact on communities. Our primary goal is to work towards systemic change by promoting dialogue, supporting affected individuals, and advocating for police accountability measures. We believe that every community deserves fair and just policing, and we strive to amplify voices calling for transparency, unbiased investigations, and appropriate consequences for officers who abuse their power. As members of Police Misconduct, we encourage the sharing of resources, research, and initiatives that promote police reform and community engagement. Through collective action, we aim to drive positive change by collaborating with organizations, legal experts, and community leaders who share our commitment to ending police misconduct. Join us in our efforts to make a difference. Together, we can work towards a future where trust, fairness, and equal treatment are at the core of our law enforcement systems.
Pathfinding for the Vanguard!
Jun 2015
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