
Documentaires sur un Monde qui change, vos armes de destruction massives contre l'ignorance! Documentary about a World That change, your weapons of mass destruction against ignorance! Open your Minds ! check thumbnail history "view more"
FUSION QUÉBEC YOUTUBE DISCORD TELEGRAM NUMÉROLOGIE Bonjours, je suis un Québécois de 40 ans et je viens ici pour exposer mes recherches. Des extraits de documentaires que j'ai accumulé après 10 ans en les écoutant en travaillant comme graphiste. Peu importe votre âge, votre secteur d'activité, que vous soyez un homme ou une femme, je peux vous montrer comment appliquer la numérologie pour interpréter certaines choses différemment. J'ai préparé 12 groupes avec des thématiques différentes. L'objectif est de créer un espace pour des monteurs de vidéos, des Youtubeurs, des animateurs de radios. Avec ces 12 thématiques vous en avez un pour n'importe quel sujet. Donc tous les vidéos peuvent être mis dans un des 12 dossiers. Tous les gens qui diffusent des informations et qui font du montage vidéo, pourront venir dans le groupe de la thématique et piger du contenu pour son montage. Si vous êtes mobilisé, mon rôle est de te montrer plusieurs actions positives et voir ce qui correspond avec tes préférences et compétences. Tu peux satisfaire ta curiosité en cliquant ici, où tout commence.
No mainstream documentaries
"Enemy of the State" Member of Ex Canadian Conservative PM Stephen Harper's enemy list ,as it relates to oil industry & environmental activism ..Taking a break from twittersphere post election. Also ,a very vocal vs partisan mainstream media That is ,when they allow my comments through to the general public.One mod lets my comments in while the rest suppress my opinions through censorship & the dreaded "Comment Disabled" moniker after 100's of likes. I was & am an avid opponent to the Canadian version of the US Patriot Act Crime Bill C-51 Nathan Cullen takes down Harper's spy bill C-51 Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati Plans to challenge Bill C-51 in Federal court “What this legislation creates is a modern-day Gestapo,” “No exaggeration, that’s what it creates. It chills, sensors and criminalizes free speech, free association and constitutional rights of assembly.” The top right corner of graph below shows my level of engagement on twitter during implementation of said bill. In 20 yr's Oil CEO's will be dead.Their descendants richer, Ours will be poor & dying of Cancer,unable to use the land or water. Although, still very focused on the Militarized Police State & the Oil Industry I've, recently become involved with geoengineering & weaponized weather awareness . "Ten years ago we organized a similar official petition, in both official languages, that was presented to the House of Commons. No action was taken by Ottawa at that time but the evidence with respect to aerial spraying over Canada has increased and become a feature of Canadian radio talk shows, TV documentaries (including the Discovery Channel), Internet blogs, discussion forums, many thousands of Canadian YouTube videos plus "chemtrail" is now part of the lexicon recognized by the Oxford English Dictionary. The time has come for the people of Canada to collectively demand answers from their MPs and put an end to what is going on up there in our skies!" Please visit Fight the good fights. <iframe class="player" width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder=0 seamless allowfullscreen ></iframe>
Think you're an accomplished shaman? Check out the source code on reality, and see if you can handle it. Inin nemilizpohualiztli ca yancuic pohualiztli in huelquizaliztli in achtotlaca ihuan achtocihuatl intlacatiliz ipan Inic Macuilli Tonatiuh, Nahui Ollin, tocahui. Inin nemiliz pohua in totatah, tonanah inpehualiz, nican, Anahuac. I tired more than once to tell you, to communicate what I know. You did not or could not listen. You can not show to anyone what she has not seen. It's time to pull the cosmic trigger... Support ETH: 0xeE9f5aB4faeCBe30012f675Bb938031BC51bB49B
I'm Independent/Conservative, I do not subscribe to any political party but I strongly lean right. Anti Zionist, Nationalist I seek the truth. Try to be open minded. I believe in free speech, and 2nd amendment, believe in gun control “as in” hit what you are aiming at. Love My Guns and pity anyone that tries to take them from me! I'm a Vietnam Vet USMC. I will indeed defend the Constitution of these United States of America to my death. Am not anti government,I'm just anti this corrupt so called government. I can not and will not believe ANYTHING that This Government says or does. I am indeed in support of President Trump. At least at this point in time. “Drain the SWAMP.” I believe the Jews/Israel/Banksters/CIA/Military industrial complex, are the Enemies of these United States and her people and Needs to be DELETED/SWITCHED OFF and scattered to the 4 winds. I am still a work in progress AND subject to change my mind at any time
WE ARE INNOMINATE, We want Évolution not Révolution.
Jun 2015
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