That "Unacceptable" Guy ~HONK~

Co-founder Possibly Correct media, Conservative Candidate of Record, OTR trucker, spokesperson #HonkingForFreedom #Bitcoin #Freedom.
Relax. Manifest.
Welcome to an unofficial Minds page of the Canadian Armed Forces — those who confront death, who safeguard the nation as the nation slumbers. NEMO ME IMPUNE LACESSIT.
@CryptoTruckers Transportation, Logistics, Blockchain
I enjoy the beauty of women and the joy of knowledge. 
READ THIS BLOG FIRST! About that Deus Vult TRAD life for Christ the King and Country ☦ Isaiah 6:8 ⚔️ #SlavRight Instagram: All links and IDs are real, but I am NOT the real Faith Goldy. I'll post all her videos here, and when she decides to grace us with her presence on minds all she has to do is ask nicely. @Darwyn
AmericanGirl I am a bit of an odd ball. I believe in personal freedom. While at the same time, I agree with the alt-right. I am extremely ethnocentric, and my hart is with the west. I reject white guilt, And know we have a right to our homelands.
Head spinning in a caffeinated fugue, Kevin Bennett once found himself shredding down a Martian ski slope with a thousand irate Nephilim howling in his wake. On the way, he rescued twenty damsels, had lunch, and fully calculated Pi. In close company, he goes by “Bennett,” but he moonlights as an accordion-bearing comedian with an eye-patch and a beret, who goes by “French Accent.” He entertains any crowd, be it young, old, clean or "adult". His technique involves regular crowd participation and a musical element with no contemporary parallel. He also has two novels out, "Amphibian" and "The Thief And The Sacrifice"; which lost its first publisher and is looking for a second. For a limited time only, it's available for free online through a link listed on this page. Additionally, you can find his album "Between Dystopias" available through Apple Music. Check it out. He's also a content writer because that pays the bills. And he's single. Ladies. Only ladies. (It's 2017; gotta put the clarifier on these days.)
Jewish Israel takes a critical look at Israel’s alliances with Fundamentalist Christian groups, and provides a platform for ongoing monitoring and pro-active responses to evangelical missionary campaigns targeting Jews for conversion or for softening their stance to Christian influence in the Jewish State. If you are a gentile liking or following Jewish Israel's page at Minds, thank you for your interest. Please be aware that while we appreciate your patronage, this is not the place for the promotion of non-Jewish theologies or values. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Jewish Israel was founded in November 2008.
Sharing news stories that get my attention and what I think of them.
Jun 2016
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