
14 Words | 88 Precepts | Aspiring Warrior-Scholar | Bad goy | Seeker of Truth |
Father, Family man, True American Nationalist, Traditionalist, Blue collar,  Working Class Skinhead, Dog lover, Prepper, EVERY MAN OR WOMAN SHOULD STRIVE TO BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE EVERY DAY, WITH NO REGRETS!  I want to be VERY clear, I do not consider myself a NAZI, new-nazi, facist, or even alt-right, (whatever that is). I absolutely HATE Antifa, and every other left wing socialist and communist group that is trying to destroy America. I am a Proud White American Nationalist Patriot. Family is the most important thing to me. I believe that Family values, and a strong work ethic and a conservative moral code is the foundation of having a successful life, people, and society. I reject those who blindly follow others, regurgitating the same lame rhetoric and propaganda that has gotten us nowhere and is holding our people back. Pride, Tradition, Family, Folk, Heritage and Honor, are the building blocks of a strong people, BUT YOU MUST PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH!!!! If you’re going to talk the talk, than walk the walk!!!!
Proud National Socialist, Anti-Communist, Il-Fascismo. Trying to solve the Jewish Question . I'm pro Assad and supportive of the new Russia. One of my goals and hopes as an American is for a strong relationship with Russia. We are not all Russia phobes here. National Socialism can save the West
Traditional married woman.... Pro white..... Asatru: Norse Heathenism #Volkisch #Folkright #HailOdin # SheildMaiden
What is best in life in the ruins of the Western civilization #KaliYuga #LifeStyle Resistance against the globalist empire.
I hate this section. Makes me feel pretentious. Gas the muslim invaders.
"When deceit is universal, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." PRO WHITE #politics #news #memes Permanent Link: Brenton Tarrant’s Smart Manifesto and Slick Video ⚡⚡ For more great content subscribe to: @KnightmareSS @Mr_Bond @THESOLARCONTINGENT @Xavier153 @TheOutlawJoseyWales @Siegetard @FrustratedAmerican @PrepperBuddy4455 @sharonmonaco @PraetorianJuno @VxTRIPWIRExV @Fenria14 @TheIronGuard @boykokanev @DorianSpecter @Ral9010 @Zevic98 @WhiteFireRising @gnugaz @MuhZionism @AtomwaffenDivision @ZoorYuvonHeim @BlackSh33p @cursive @Americanpie @Kat1988000 @ShabbosShekels @MatteoNL97 @SirAlbertHolmes @GreenWolf25 @DirtRoadCowboy37 @DireWolf1488 @TheGloriousLion @ORDER15 @Identity14 @Shiny_Metal_Asteroid @OccidentalUnrest @ProleSerf @TheKnave @RobertBudriss @IdentityEvropa @BlackPilled @NordicFrontier @Straach1488 @AGLOCKFANBOY @blackpigeonspeaks @WayoftheWorld @kingshekels ⚡⚡ ⚡⚡ #NatSoc #Fascist #RWDS #WhiteRevolution #WPWW #freehelicopterrides #GTKRWN #ReadSiege #1488 #DeusVult
RISE WORLD! AWAKEN! "A magnificent era is before us" THE CALL HAS BEEN SOUNDED, IT IS TIME FOR THE CORRUPTION TO END! “Adherence to your duty:” For "We Are The Light Of Our Ancestral Torch" And "We Will Rise Again" To Cast Out Corruption, The tribe of liars! Unravel the lies, expose the corruptors!: "To learn who rules you simply find out who you aren't allowed to criticize" -Voltaire “With effort and with organization, [our nations and communities] can be greater and more prosperous than ever before. The fight lies before us…a fight for action… for vigour… for vitality… and manhood” -Sir Oswald Mosley “Thanks to our unchangeable will, our readiness to sacrifice and our abilities, we will survive this misery.” “In ourselves alone, lies the future” “Through our own labor, through our own perseverance, our own determination, our own defiance, our own steadfastness, only then will we be able to rise again, just like our forefathers too” The True, Moral And Right Honorable, Adolf Hitler
YES I am @Zevic98 was unable to connect so I go by my Action figure Name instead 14/88 MAN OF ACTION I am a proud Saxon and am willing to die as a Pagan and National Socialist and protect my Tribe. CURRENTLY PRIVATE SECURITY TRAINING ON PILOTRY
Hungarian Nationalist, Aviator.
Sep 2017
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