Hoan PV
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Live for Nothing, or Honk for Something. Your Call Lads. Find me Being Dirty Anywhere: https://libertylinks.io/dirtythirtyfren
natura art and more
"The Abrahamic Are Our Misfortune" Peaceful Secessionist Lovecraft Conservative Against Time Forest Wanderer
Meet Gerome -The new designated spokes person for this channel. Gerome is not the typical garden variety gnome nor is he a stay at home gnome. Gerome is into art, photography, music, travel and more. He freely speaks his mind. He may not always be politically correct, however it is never his goal to purposely offend anyone. He firmly believes Truth can survive all logical and reasonable debate. Gerome is a skeptic. He believes that Science is only a tool...a method of inquiry ...not a test of "truth". Science seeks to prove a THEORY through controlled and closely monitored repetition. However neither consistency nor apparent correlation of results is actual "proof" of causation. It is merely an indication of the probability of a specific result. Science is NEVER settled. That's why "Scientific conclusions" will always remain theories.... Useful ...sometimes...accurate predictions .. but not necessarily attributable to factors as outlined in the currently accepted theory. Certain things mankind will probably never know or understand. Such matters lie in the domain of God and the realm of faith.
A Resounding Yes a.k.a. Riot Judah Independent and unincorporated since 2003. I hope you like the sounds I make for you.
Just a grumpy old man.
๐Ÿ…๏ธŽ ๐Ÿ…™๏ธŽ ๐ŸŽ | #INFJ personality A young lady filled with love and vitality, driven by proactive self-discipline and embodying a resilient โ€˜never give upโ€™ spirit. Obviously passionately navigating the dynamic world of tech and finance, determined to shape a brighter, more innovative future.
I am a traveller of both time and space. Here you will find #sunsetposting / #sunriseposting, random drawings including original character art, and many music rants โ€“ I am a slave to the #AutismTheMusical muse, who leads me where she will. I try to consistently participate in #ProgWednesday, #GothThursday, #FridayMercury, and #SundaysOfPioneers. My username is a play on the David Bowie character of the Thin White Duke. Banner photo was taken by me at Milepost 238ish on the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. I play music and stuff on YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/ThinWhiteAxe
Welcome to my Channel here on MINDS! Please take a look at my Posts and be Sure to REMIND any post that you Like as Others may Like it also! Please subscribe to me Here on MINDS .. Subject matter: Alternative Energy Sources, Military Veterans, ChemTrails, UFO's, Vaccines, 322 Skull and Bones, OBE's, NDE's, Ghosts, Fluoride, conspiracies, JFK Assassination, Bigfoot, Art Bell, News Events, Strange Things, Historic Tours and much much MORE! #chemtrails #chemtrailsmn #geoengineering #conspiracy #JFK #UFO #ETB #fluoride #ArtBell #news #topchannel #tesla #nikolatesla #freeeenergy #news #politics #maga #kek #pepe #meme #memes #minds #mindspro #all #everyone @everyone @all *****
#LakeSuperiorAgates I Collect Lake Superior Agates! The Lake Superior Agate is Minnesota's Official State Rock and Gemstone. They were formed a Billion years ago in the lake Superior Area and Moved and distributed Across the State by Glacier Activity!I am always Looking for them, and I also Sell them on eBay ! Please Have a look at them and please consider buying some to Start or Add to your Lake Superior Agate Collection Today! #Lake_Superior_Agates #LakeSuperior #Lake_Superior #RockHound #Rock_Hound #Rock_Collector #Agates #Outdoors #Nature #Lakes #LakeAgates #Minnesota #MinnesotaStateRock #MinnesotaStateGem #MinnesotaStateGemstone https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_ssn=mnlaketreasures&_ipg=200&_from=R40&_nkw=agate&_sacat=0&_sop=15 - -- Lake_Superior_Agates @lakesuperioragates
I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
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Dec 2018
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