
Psychopharmacologist Psychoactive Substance Connoisseur #EndTheDrugWar #LegalizeAllDrugs Fellow Drug Enthusiast?! Join the rest of us; https://goo.gl/CNLS3r
Check out my website: http://hillbillyengineer.com/ , where I'll teach technology, science, engineering, and philosophy for those who will listen in order to form a free, intelligent, and independent  populace. I'm gonna teach ya bitches some shiz!
I find cool pieces of artwork from the internet and post them here. I did not produce these. #Art #Aesthetic #Psychedelic #DigitalArt
Our Mission: To bring your updates on today's scientific research directly from the source: straight from the scientist working hard to make new discoveries about our world. #science #research #truth www.straightfromascientist.com
"Creating Better Realities".
Drugs and Democracy is an initiative to help people with their drug and device injury and connect them to appropriate law firms in order to file a lawsuit and get compensation for the injury. https://drugsanddemocracy.org
Looking to find a tribe I vibe with, whilst finding myself. I have been awakening my inner healing with the help of Psychedelics. I used to suffer with Bi Polar Disorder, and a Chronic Pain & Fatigue Disease called Fibromyalgia, that used to severely limit my mobility and bodily functions. Through the help of friends & family, and a whole lot of research, I have found a way to combat my physical and mental problems with the use of natural Entheogens, with the added bonus of also discovering myself, giving me a a very positive new outlook on life. These medicines have shown me I needed to change my life in a very drastic way, and have helped change bad habits and negative actions very rapidly, even helping me to overcome opiate and alcohol addiction, whilst at the same time woken me up to the reality of this culture and pointed out everything wrong with it. I'm now on the path to living a full life rather than just existing, I now feel one person can make a difference in this world by simply changing themselves. I hope to share my experiences, thoughts and information on minds.com, so everyone can learn about the power of these medicines provided by nature, and hopefully remove some of the stigma, fear and negativity created by propaganda and lack of shared knowledge and information from these amazing healing tools that have been used heal, cure and evolve our consciousness for thousands of years. Peace, love & light to all!
Hey everyone, we are knew to Minds. Hailing from Facebook 😂 We post about corruption surrounding the powers that be, but we will also branch out a bit more here than we have on Facebook, so enjoy! All wires will be reinvested into the page, thanks!
May 2016
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