
Hey everyone, we are knew to Minds. Hailing from Facebook 😂 We post about corruption surrounding the powers that be, but we will also branch out a bit more here than we have on Facebook, so enjoy! All wires will be reinvested into the page, thanks!
#LAWOFONE. #MAGA, #QANON, #WWG1WGA, #HAILTOTHECHIEF, GAB: jsmistro, Twotter: jsmistro. Part of the great twotter banishment just after POTUS.
Que eu seja erva raio no coração de meus amigos árvore força na beira do riacho pedra da fonte estrela na borda do abismo -Oração de Pajé
Every Day Is A New Opportunity Independent Centrist...I Am Neither Liberal Or Conservative... Believe That, On Most Issues, The Truth Usually Is Somewhere In The Middle...Usually But Not Always Though.
I've spent 7 years on FB running many different groups. The impact we have had has been amazing. I'm seeing people wake up all around the world. When Facebook took down my group We were growing Like crazy in a couple days we had got 2000 new members. I know people are desperate to find out what is going on and a lot of these people just don't know how to find the information, Which is where we come in as freedom loving people and I'm hoping we can bring them to new Free speech social media. Please check out the group I have started here. I would love to see people posting things that I might be missing, if you like the group please invite others Ty✌❤ https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1257424483477655552
Trending news, life hacks, funny stories, myth busters and quizzes. There is also a dedicated section for in-detail reads which are comparatively detailed content.
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