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Janusz Korwin-Mikke is a libertarian conservative. His economic views are radically libertarian. He frequently refers to such figures as Frédéric Bastiat, Alexis de Tocqueville, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, Margaret Thatcher. Korwin-Mikke is a self-declared monarchist and thinks that democracy is the "stupidest form of government ever conceived", where "two bums from under a beer stand have twice as many votes as a university professor"
Profil Partii Wolność Prezes Janusz Korwin-Mikke wolnosc.pl #wolnosc #Poland
Oficjalny profil. Prezes Wolności. Publicysta. Hobby: Szachy, tenis, ping-pong, brydż, bilard, GO, warcaby. #wolnosc
The official Minds.com page of The Libertarian Party UK. 'The Peoples' Party - Libertarianism is a political and philosophical ideology based upon the principles of self ownership and self-responsibility. It posits that all individuals have the right to control their own lives, bodies, and property acquired by honest means. Further, each individual must also respect the equal rights of others. The Libertarian Party UK, BM LPUK, London, WC1N 3XX Tel: 0208 088 8121 Registered with the Electoral Commission RP 2517848 (GB) https://libertarianpartyuk.com/
Wolność i już! Oficjalny profil portalu wolnosc24.pl i tygodnika Najwyższy CZAS! www.wolnosc24.pl / www.nczas.com
Nieoficjalny kanał z materiałami Konfederacji i stacji zaprzyjaźnionych.
I'm a Libertarian, Anti-Feminist, Anti-SJW, Anti- Neocon, and a Memer. If you can withstand the sheer volume of cancer on this page enough to be entertained or intrigued, I salute you. IFunny: TheCornistaniMinarchist
Nov 2020
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