Arts🖌️ and Sculpture⚒️

Art 🖌️and sculpture⚒️. centuries before camera where used to save pictures🖼️🖼️ of important people and things
I'm here to share information and fight censorship as best I can, and maybe build some bridges so more people can break out of this "two party" illusion of democracy so we can make this country work for the workers, not the political and business leeches. Maybe work up the nerve to start a podcast of some type just so I can interview some of my heros. Behold the beginning of my media empire and tremble!!! 🤣😂🤣
Definitely a human... appropriate human response...
I'm a cat! This is my SECOND account... why, because I'm a cat and forgot the labyrinth of security stops I installed to prevent me from accessing my own account... sigh... how do you know it is me? well... send me a message and I'll ignore it. ^_^
I believe in changing the status quo through motivation and fitness, jokes and all that funny stuff(memes) ... Subscribe for exclusive updates!
Poet. Singer. Scientist. Lover. I put emotions on paper and give life to microphones. Get ready to fall in ❤ Join my membership... #RhymesxMagic #peotry
Writer, musician, record producer, world traveler. My debut novel Shadows in the Glass should be coming out in 2022. Read it on MINDS. It is also posted here:
Art Lover™ 😋😋😋
Not Your Keys, Not Your Bitcoin. Your Keys, Your Bitcoin. Trust only
May 2021
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