
I might be a libertarian, i try to be a good Christian, but if there is one thing i learned in my career in the military, is that faith in your friends is up there with faith in god.
Casual #shitlord and every #SJW worst nightmare. Darkness, humor, and Asian butts abound. The most real #MGTOW you'll ever meet #writing, critiquing, commenting, aspiring animator and game designer. If you are a story teller, feel free to PM me and I'll be glad to help you get your work out and about any way I can. I plan to fix everything that billions of idiots broke, one subject matter at a time. Casual Gaming and whatever group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/966094663653793792/feed The Dirty Lore House: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/967186132639428608/feed NEW FORCE group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/951763700249632768/feed JAV HAVEN: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/944226277167280128/feed MGTOW (relationship advice): https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/744005116784287744/feed Find me on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14051928.Erwin_Blackthorn ================================= Donate your tokens if you don't care for them. I will gladly accept them and put them to good use like: - post more JAV - write more stories and give out free copies of novels - detailed political commentary - start streaming and doing videos sooner - a podcast Your tokens will not go to waste. I want to do more, it's just that I don't have much free time. Top token contributors, the people I love most: @TBFW 10T @Venomous911 15T @Vaultkobold 5T @eroticstories 1T @Samboliah 3.1T @Sentinus 3T @TexanCounselor 2T @Slingblade_SW 1T @sir_lurksalot 1T Total for #DLH: 41.1T ================================= People worth following: @vaultkobold @the_edgy_penguin @count_salem @Aragmar @evildeadfan420 @punishedzero2100 @Neva_FeAr @aonkojung
Pro 1st and 2nd amendments, well pro bill of rights really. Pro individual liberty and responsibility. Pro humor, sarcasm and nice pictures. Ex Navy. Anti group think because no individual is a demographic. Pro USA. It's not perfect, but it's pretty damn good. We have come a long way and will continue to improve. I like to argue. Having to defend my presumed position forces me to examine what I think I believe. It tickles my brain. If you don't want to argue, then don't respond, I will not hound you.
I am a cat. a cat that is a shade of blue with an interesting name. don't mind the picture
Strictly NSFW account. I periodically post art and poetry only meant for adults. If you don't want to see lewd shenanigans "At work" in fear it will compromise your employment, feel free to de-list me or block me from your feed at your own discretion. Thanks.
https://www.cybrink.com Technology / Science / Future
My honorable patron for this moth is: @SkylerBearGunn I'm an anarchist agorist, a furry, an weeaboo and a programmer. The most controversial character ever, unless you are a free thinker. In that case you are free to be my friend.
Dec 2016
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