Im a wife, mother, grandmother and a believer. John 14:6 I love life and try to bring positivity to a fallen world. @chrismadzier RIP 2-24-67-12-22-21 You will be truly missed my buddy. Minds member since April 2018.
A curious mind.
Looking for the truth.
It is no small victory to find inner peace and I truly believe this is the first battle a man must fight before going to spiritual war.
End the Federal Reserve.
Genocidal Globalist would love us to believe that we are all stupid and bad. It falls nicely into their eugenics program. We can see the world through their filter...or through the one we were born with. People are sentient strange beings capable of building empires, taking us to the moon and also capable of crying because a dog dies in a movie. You're beautiful.
Debate is welcome, hate is not. Attack the argument, not the person. Or I will block you.
Freedom of association means- I don't own you my time or access to my mind. But, I will grant it to you upon respectful request.
If you like my page please send me some Minds coins 🐈
"A great inner revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will cause a change in the destiny of humankind." Daisaku Ikeda
Can one person's spiritual journey help make the world a better place?
Please don't post enemy media links in comments without asking me first, they get too much attention as it is. I worked for and in the U.S. military for many years, but I don't mindlessly side with government policy or endeavors. I am especially against compulsory vaccination for military or civilians.
In any CONFLICT between two men (or two groups) who hold the same basic principles, it is the more consistent one who wins.
In any COLLABORATION between two men (or two groups) who hold different basic principles, it is the more evil or irrational one who wins.
When OPPOSITE basic principles are clearly and openly defined, it works to the advantage of the rational side; when they are not clearly defined, but are hidden or evaded, it works to the advantage of the irrational side.
A banished refugee from FaceLeftBook. Pro Liberty, Pro Guns, Pro Free Minds, Pro Free Markets. Very Anti Corporate Socialism. Christian, politically independent person who strives for objective truth. I'm also a nationalist that believes we definitely have the right to, and SHOULD control our borders. We should also control our own monetary policy and eliminate debt based money by adopting honest money.
You need to ask permission to post globalist enemy media links on my posts. I will remove them at my discretion, and block you at my discretion.