
If you think knowledge is a waste then try ignorance.. Upvote, comment and subscribe to my channel and will surely reciprocate
BI,MMJ Advocate, born in the 90s, here to hopefully spread the word about some stuff ya know. -Weeed -Music -Love -Peace -Not very close to reaching Nirvana. Let them be the fuel to your fire. Instagram: yeeilikeflower
Truth, Logic, Free Thinking, Humor, History, Current Events, Culture, Good Music, Women, Anything Interesting and/or Thought Provoking....Definitely women from anywhere because there are none where I currently reside. I was raised in the country but I'm not into "country girls" and they're not into me. So any interesting, intelligent, free thinking women out there as alone as me wants to talk about absolutely anything just say hello and at the very least you'll make a very loyal friend. I'm into talking to anyone who's interesting and cool. I'm just looking to meet women mostly though. Since I live in the land of the lost. Id like to meet someone far from where I am. I have no real roots and I'm always up for adventure. Also, I'm not aligned with any political party. I'm a true libertarian and a bit of an outlaw by nature. I didn't say criminal either, I said outlaw, there's a difference. I'm musician and a businessman. I'm a free thinker and an individual. Collectivism is a concept I despise along with identity politics, illegal immigration, safe spaces, celebrities, trends, the media, "normal people", trophy hunters, and much, much more.
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So basically I'm short
Canal independente que tem como intuito compartilhar notícias sobre política em sua maioria e entretenimento!!!
IT shiftworkermule from #luxembourg looking for stocks and crypto to lose it all in the game of twenty-one.
Concerned citizen with dyslexia Concervitive individualist for the free market I support net taxpayers as the only voters Masculine presenting trans lesbian
Nov 2021
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