
I am a psychologist. I help people with issues that are impaired by the decisions they make. I help them understand the consequences of the actions to make changes within their lives to live a stress free~life .
Father, Family man, True American Nationalist, Traditionalist, Blue collar,  Working Class Skinhead, Dog lover, Prepper, EVERY MAN OR WOMAN SHOULD STRIVE TO BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE EVERY DAY, WITH NO REGRETS!  I want to be VERY clear, I do not consider myself a NAZI, new-nazi, facist, or even alt-right, (whatever that is). I absolutely HATE Antifa, and every other left wing socialist and communist group that is trying to destroy America. I am a Proud White American Nationalist Patriot. Family is the most important thing to me. I believe that Family values, and a strong work ethic and a conservative moral code is the foundation of having a successful life, people, and society. I reject those who blindly follow others, regurgitating the same lame rhetoric and propaganda that has gotten us nowhere and is holding our people back. Pride, Tradition, Family, Folk, Heritage and Honor, are the building blocks of a strong people, BUT YOU MUST PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH!!!! If you’re going to talk the talk, than walk the walk!!!!
Former Democrat/Republican/libertarian/Centrist. (Not out for sake of group identity mind you) I'm just trying to figure out WHAT FRESH HELL IS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD??? I try to keep finding better info as time TEST it's credibility. theology. History. Health. Science. Survival. Occasionally jokes. But most importantly, seeking truth. AMERICA, HOME OF THE ENSLAVED. Universal Sufferage = Democracy = Mob Rule = average person is swayed by fear.
Conspiracies, geopolitics and the search for truth in a time of global deceit
Im in the process of building a Meme/video/political/philosophy/theology discourse and gamingpage. Really not sure what I will do with this yet.
Curator of different perspectives of reality. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my channel. I like to share a variety of subjects. A Collection for the Curious Ebola Outbreak Elizabeth Warren & Native American Legislation Infectious Diseases Meme Supreme The Push for United Nations at the US border
Jul 2021
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