I am a psychologist. I help people with issues that are impaired by the decisions they make. I help them understand the consequences of the actions to make changes within their lives to live a stress free~life .
I’m old, tired, and extremely pissed off at the state of the world.
As a former truck driver, former licensed psychiatric technician, and a former navy corpsman, I have a take like no other and I’m not afraid to tell it like it is.
I guarantee that, if nothing, I’m going to, at the very least, ruffle some feathers.
I now do back work for a living while posting memes, essays, and comments on Minds in my off time and I’m really happy to be here.
My Podcast:
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🌺🇫🇷 Dans un monde rempli de tromperies, demi-vérités et manipulations, le besoin de vérité est une noble quête. Un voyage qui nous emmène dans les recoins les plus sombres, mais qui nous donne l’espoir d'en sortir avec des réponses... La route est semée d’embûches, or la recherche de transparence et de justice est un appel que nous devons tous entreprendre pour nous-mêmes, nos enfants, l’avenir et le monde 🌍 💫