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Software Engineer / Web Developer
I was born in Saratoga Springs, NY and moved to Tel Aviv, Israel on March 10, 2014 and got dual citizenship in order to help out family. I have been back in the US since October 26, 2017 to also help out family. I am a right wing Jew that is a true patriot of both of his countries. #MAGA #MIGA
Historian and political scientist by education. Veteran Army paratrooper by training. Self-producing, DIY-musician and busker by profession. Constitutional conservative in philosophical outlook. LDS by religion. Scrapper by temperament. NIHIL SUB SOLE NOVUM
I am a believer in free speech because without free speech we cannot have free societies. It was only when the west became free that the west prospered and we should learn from that. Conservative, Classical Liberal and somwhat Nationalist. Other than politics I am a gamer who watches anime and pro wrestling, also a bit of a history buff because if we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. Stand up for Freedom
Aug 2018
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