
Stop Burning Down America
hello Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work Technology / Science / Future
I am an Anthropologist and an Ultrasound Technologist My interests include blockchains and crypto, with emphasis in the EOS ecosystem. Im an advocate for decentralization, freedom of speech and freedom of thoughts. I am intrigued with the metaphysical realm of spirituality and ancient healing. I use the help of crystals, gem stones, and essential oils daily to stay surrounded by positive vibrations. My wife runs an awesome etsy shop and i will be posting some of the jewerly, accessories and clothing that she makes on here. The name of her shop is: She also has a wordpress blog that we are going to try to migrate over here. Her blog covers many topics, fun and serious. Mostly the direction it took discusses mental illness, mostly bipolar. She is a big advocate for helping people with bipolar and their loved ones. She educates on how to manage the illness and live a normal life. It was a long journey of bad MDs and trial and error meds until we found the right md that has made her stable. Through her writings she hopes to help the many people newly diagnosed and lost at where to start with their treatments. No one should ever have to go through what she did to finally find the right help. I will also post links to some of her entries until we can figure out how to migrate them all over here. worpress page is:
In my page we talk about the world of crypto in particular: - #CryptoNews - #Mining - #CryptoTrading - #Altcoin - #Blockchain - #Cryptogame - #Bitcoin ........................................................ I would like to thank all the people who support me, and thanks to the people who have given me their tokens !!! @TheTruthTimes @RayKoster @kibls @daviddhannoo ...................................................... I will try to help anyone who wants it in exchange for mutual collaboration, to increase knowledge and above all to create a reward for their own efforts.
CC Airdrops is my crypto Airdrop platform for Free Cryptocurrency. We are on YouTube, and many other new social media platforms . Fecbook, YouTube and 3 other New platforms. My links are posted below. Also part of the Current movment against the global elite
coinratecap gives you updates on coin prices, blockchain guide and ICO/IEO listing. FEATURED ON Subscribe to us. Follow us on twitter @coinratecap The founder is the frontend developer of Coinoplex exchange Dubai. Contributor of Coinratecap Offer services in ICO/IEO design, token creation, digital marketing etc.
Đón nhận và chia sẻ những bức hình đẹp của tôi
| DES!GNS | Graphics - Memes - Digital Art - Photo Manipulation - Branding - Cinemagraph - MotionGraphics - | PRO | Crypto - Innovation - FreeThinking - Comedy - Rebels - Meditation - Psilocybin - | LOVES | Culture - HipHop - Psychology - Self-Awareness - Experimental Thinking - MY FAVORITE MINDS @curryhobo @thisisnotaloop @lucydyer73 @drcassone @sexdeathrebirth @MacVogt @drpatricklockwood WIRES GRATITUDE @ottman
Buy/Sell Minds tokens:!/trade/0xb26631c6dda06ad89b93c71400d25692de89c068-ETH *************************************** The purpose of this channel is to give you a daily snapshot of the current market value of the MINDS token. Currently this token is only trading on Fork Delta. Hopefully the MINDS token is made available on other markets in the future. *************************************** POSTING CURRENT MINDS TOKEN ETH/USD VALUE DAILY (5:00PM CST) *************************************** Need a crypto wallet? Join Coinbase: *************************************** Trading crypto- use BINANCE!
11th commandment of God: "Take care of your job"
Jun 2019
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