Proud American Patriot.Music, memes,motivation,art,humor,patriot news,politics,and whatever suits the moment.Supporting patriots worldwide.Not PC!*MUSIC DISCLAIMER-I don't own anything unless otherwise stated.The music industry is full of debauchery and unsavory characters,but there are some good people also.Music posted here does not necessarily mean I agree with the musicians viewpoint.There are some musicians,you will NEVER see on this page.For entertainment purposes only.
TruthExpress Radio is the extension of 30 years of radio excellence by Erskine. It has the best guests on radio and the net. From LTG Flynn to Victor Davis Hanson, Gordon Chang to Judge Jeanine Pirro and BG Robert Spalding. Catch our new shows every week on your local stations or every podcast app out there. IT'S ALL ABOUT TRUTH
“I am the Constitutionalist Libertarian and I am a legend in my own mind.”
I am just an average guy. I am not anyone special. People making content and commenting on news, current events, and politics are a dime a dozen out here. But I do believe that there are things that I bring to the table that others do not. Such as a unique perspective from outside the false Left/Right paradigm for example.
Be forewarned though. I have a tendency to use colorful language and I am not someone who is politically correct. If you cannot handle either my content is regrettably not for you.
The American Spectator was founded in 1924 by George Nathan and Truman Newberry over a cheap domestic ale in McSorley’s Old Ale House. In 1967, the Saturday Evening Club took it over, rechristening it The Alternative: An American Spectator, but by November 1977 the word “alternative” had acquired such an esoteric fragrance that in order to discourage unsolicited manuscripts from florists, beauticians, and other creative types, the club reverted to the magazine’s original name. Published remarkably without regard to gender, lifestyle, race, color, creed, physical handicap, or national origin.
The American Spectator Foundation educates the public on new ideas, concepts, and policies that favor traditional American values, such as economic freedom, individual liberty, self-sufficiency, and limited government. To this end, the Foundation also trains and cultivates young writers for careers in journalism and serves as an outlet for a host of both young and established conservative writers and thinkers.