
Promoting the message of peace, prosperity, and property rights since February 11, 2015. Official account of
I haven't been a conservative all my life. I actually became a conservative when I rejected the leftist globalist dogma that was being forced fed down my throat as a Freshman at U.C. Berkeley. The more I opened my eyes and observed, the more I could see the dangers of leftist theology. As I gained more education in politics, history and economics, the more my eyes were opened. In this channel I will share my common sense, (mostly) colorblind conservative commentary on current events, politics and social issues. Take the red pill and let's hold hands as we go deeper down the rabbit hole and see how the world really works.
Prager University is an online video resource promoting knowledge and clarity on life's biggest and most interesting topics. We gather some of the world's best thinkers and distill their best ideas into free, 5-minute videos on things ranging from history and economics to science and happiness. Enjoy. NOTE: I have no association with Prager University.
Trigger Happy Media is a news/media outlet dedicated to covering topics that the left wing controlled mainstream media refuses to tackle in a fair and unbiased way, including: Brexit (and Remoaners), mass immigration, the Islamisation of Europe (and the world), feminism, socialism, communism, globalism, nationalism, social justice warriors, Black Lives Matter, trigger warnings, safe spaces, microaggression, identity politics, cultural Marxism, political correctness, fake news, Kekistan, and of course, free helicopter rides for Jeremy Corbyn supporters and members of Antifa. We aim to do this in an entertaining, mischievous and unapologetic way, which is likely to trigger regressive leftist special snowflakes and SJWs. Enjoy!
The News the way it should be. Both sides down the middle
Jul 2019
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