
Each one of us is playing a song. We emit specific frequencies. This song creates a vibrational signature that is personal to each individual yet plays a role in the entire symphony of our universe. As you move through life playing your song, the world around you is dancing in response to your tune. It is this song that creates your reality; your experiences.   The universe is made up of frequencies and vibrations that particles, such as those that make up the atom, respond to. The different vibrations are what create all shape, all perceived matter and experience. This includes the physical body, intellectual body, emotional body as well as the energetic body. This also means we have the power to change. We have the power to shift ourselves and our lives in the direction we choose. We have to come to understand our own song and that we have the ability to rewrite it.  This is what I have been doing within myself for many years. This is where things like full blown kundalini transformation come in. When you reach a certain vibration, kundalini is activated. This kundalini energy is incredibly powerful. You are rewired and reconstructed a layer at a time. Through this process I have gained access to my higher senses and abilities which include: Master intuitive counselor, Advanced Intuitive Empath, Energy/Life coach, clairvoyant, clairsenses, clairsentience, clairempath, claircognizence, Channel, Meditation and Stillness Instructor, Reiki Master and Energy Healer. My approach includes shadow work in the emotional, intellectual, physical and energetic aspects. I feel this is all in the natural order of things, as in a part of our evolutionary process as human beings. We have reached that pivotal moment that the only option is to change. That process begins within each of us. The question is, are you ready?  This site is dedicated to assisting individuals in their evolutionary process and to create a safe, fun and exciting interactive community. Take some time to check out everything this site and I have to offer--starting with the 8 descriptions below. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or to book a free consultation where we can set up the right program for you!
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