Shane Faulkinbury of the Conservative Party of Am*

This party will be the successor of the Republican party starting in 2024 after the build up and legalities are taken care of! For the most part it's early, so in a nutshell this is what I'd like to see and do. For the most part I would like this country to get back to day one, July 4, 1776! That means reviving our Constitution back to the fundamental structure.This will be with a few amendments for our modern time and the future. I want law to be exactly that, Christian based with sound legality. Meaning the people before and over their government! First and foremost I think the Constitution and Bill of Rights should be added to elementary school studies and advanced in secondary school. Also both should be taught and passed to get citizenship.
location_onUnited States, United States
I will say what the fuck i want to until someone beats my ass then I'll say what i want with a black eye
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Writer, citizen journalist & video clipper with 12 years of healthcare experience. Freedom isn't free. Tyranny is not possible without compliance.
the light the way the 3rd son of the3rd son , my grandfather most worshipful master of Texas Emperor of the Scottish Rights . I was set up to be raised and educated by the lodge but I was rebellious. Yes I took a cuter pre designed for me and you should’ve seen all the money ! I’m from middle class on one half of the family and dirt poor on my moms side I am the thing that should not be and this is an invitation to any punk who thinks they can speak to me without respecting me first . many have lost there life in pursuit of my respect and as for me I respect you all Fuck your race if you can’t leave racism out it’s u!
Software developer
I’m a simple person who like to mingle , I’m a widow I’m old enough to ur mom , so no disrespect young dudes . 👂
Hi, Joan Crypto is here. I'm crypto and blockchain enthusiast for 8 years. Working on different projects over the years.
Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you."
United States, United States
Aug 2019
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