
I just try to add a little positive energy, to your day, in my own unique way, every day(or so), in some little grain of sand kind of way; if you know what I mean. ;) This is not a promise, because I cannot manage your reactions to what I may say or do. Call me what you will, from what you glean here; I'm really just bouncing sh1t off the walls.
WeAreChange is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide.
Love, Light & Fcuk The System Namaste )O(utlaw Peace & Love Tin Foil Hat wearing~Aspie Contributor (R)
In 6 Months from now we have a chance to change our future for us & the children that follow. The Upcoming Election is Crucial to our future Freedom in all aspects of living in the USA. We can Not live with a 2 tier Justice System, We can’t live under the threat of the Globalists forcing their corrupt views on our lives. WE CERTAINLY CANT LIVE WITH OPEN BORDERS, Our Republic is under threat, and we all need to act. We need to become influencers & wake up the living dead 💀 Democrats to the destruction being thrown at our country.
The largest online discussion forum and community for any topics related to animals or pets.
Adoption | Adventure | Balance ...and Epstein didn't kill himself #IdeasNotIdentity BLOG:
FaithUnchained is an online ministry dedicated to bringing you the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Clink the link below to subscribe to our channel. Subscribe to our YouTube:
Illustrations, crafts and story. As an artist I hope to provide the world with beauty. My work is often inspired by fairytales, myths, nature and biblical stories. I hope my art is able the illuminate a world of beauty, grace and romance. If you like my art please consider to tip me a token. In the future I’d like to enable rewards on minds if people are interested. My first goal is to share my inktober sketches on minds.
Babies Are People. They Are One Of Us.
Just a Thelemite exploring the Infinite.
Semiprofessional meme (re-) cutter - The Truth will set us free -
May 2018
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