
Headbanger, musician, degenerate weeb, and e🅱ic gaymer / No. 1 Elza and Symphony X stan
Happily Married | Furry | Ex-techie | was optimistically skeptical :3
I am a student to a community college and I probably will just post my blog and comment on stuff and people I think are cool.
Gamer, Centrist, tired of all the Twitter Purists and their shit.
Experienced Cozy Hornt Star ☥ Mythical Meme Goddess ☥ Also Known As Honkette ☥ 💀 🃏 🐸 Subscriptions, Reminds & Likes =/= Endorsement 🔞🐇🐍 #Propaganda #Psychology #Philosophy #Economics #Symbolism #Kekistan #Music #4chan #Hornt
Twitter refugee, I post anime content and my art
Retired Army Medic, Doc Comeau, and Jack of all Trade Kenny Santos hosting "That's On Point! A long-form, Podcast of in-depth conversations between two crazy personalities on various topics. No subject is too taboo for these two.
Please like, share, and subscribe to my channel. Every video I post is my original work. Subscribe to my channel: 👇👇👇https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkR4QiwyCcPeVdh-HU6yU1g?sub_confirmation=1
Hey, don't shoot the messenger!!!  My job is just translating interesting stuff. Enjoy!  Calma! Yo solamente soy el mensajero. Mi trabajo es traducir interesantes cosas para ti. Ojala disfrutes de este material. 我的工作是為您翻譯有趣的東西。 Visit my Networks: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/B70jND8BSZZI/ https://www.brighteon.com/channels/journals https://www.youtube.com/c/JournalsTranslatingTheirTruth
Jan 2021
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