
Hi! I am a Charcoal Artist. Warm welcome to my channel. Through my Charcoal sketches, I try to create an emotional connection between my subjects and the viewer either by means of an expression, a thing, a place or a portrait. I use charcoal so I can pare my drawings down to basic elements of light, dark, texture, detail, and composition. Charcoal is the most primitive of media, but its warmth, depth and versatility are tactile and mysterious. The range between Black, which is the absence of all colors and White, which is the presence of all colors is very wide and yet to be explored completely. For creating different textures, I use various tools like stumps, cotton balls, make-up applicators but rarely fingers to prevent them from oiling up. I sometimes use the blending tools with charcoal powder to sketch and use charcoal sticks and pencils only for the finishing touches. Sharp erasers pull charcoal out of the dark areas and soft erasers provide more subtle highlights, although once Iā€™ve marked the paper I can never go back to pure white.
MontiMaro77 Awake Truth Channel Australia
In December Of 1945, A 5th Holy Gospel Was Discovered To The World, After Long Since Being Buried Deep Within The Sands Of Time.
Just minds its
TheQRL.org Public blockchain is a wholly custom code base that is fully post-quantum secure with mobile, desktop and hardware wallet support. https://www.nist.gov/history-and-future-quantum-information This is an unofficial QRL page. Fan, Art and education only. Official resources. https://faqq.info https://theqrl.org/ https://discordapp.com/invite/BheKAZb Hiring. https://angel.co/company/theqrl/jobs QRL Tips. Smith Q01050050c05f7978717af2ffa9d4593601ceb9301e323d1d736e283524260af92378ba311edfff
*All views represented on this platform are my own. ā‚ Follower of JESUS ā‚ Husband ā‚ Father ā‚ Tech Enthusiast ā‚ Blockchain ā‚ Cryptocurrency
Folkish paganism is on the rise! And this is very exciting times! Norse Heathen, Folkish Pagan. I'm an animal friend, wolf lover & Odin's son from Hedmark, Norway! I'm a redpilled pagan nationalist, rural country dweller, nature lover, lover of bushcraft, outdoors survivalism. Heathen, animistic, practiser of norse paganism, borned and raised in a christian family, but as I grew up I found out that I no longer believed in christianity, the bible and all that is in it. For a while I also used to be an atheist though, but I've found my real norse identity & ancestral heritage. I don't mind if some of you who are following this channel is christians or of another belief than I am, (if you respect me, I respect you the same), but I don't like people trying to push their religion on somebody against their will. I'm a folkright paganist, that means I believe I am entitled to my ancestral heritage, and I believe the same is true for all other peoples in the world. Every peoples in the world have their ethnic ancestral traditions and folk faith. Before monotheistic religions were invented, all of humanity were animistic pagans. Animism is the belief in the divine spiritual forces of nature. It's nothing mystical about that what so ever. Nature exist so it makes sense, I think. If you have another opinion, that's fine, I'm not trying to force my opinion on anybody either. But I will defend my posission if people are attacking my way of belief. I don't like zealots, missionaries and you have no right to tell me I'm gonna burn in hell if I don't believe in Jeebuz! You believe he's the Lord and Savior, but I don't, get over it! Your god was nailed to a cross, my god has a hammer! Odin is to fight and never give up. A tree without it's roots will fall. Pagan wisdom! Our true European roots are not Judeo/Christian or islamic, and therefor I reject abrahamic religions, for my self and I don't recommend it to anyone. But again, everyone is free to figure out for them selves what is the best for yourself. I think I have figured out, this is my path and I will continue my path untill the very end! Hail Odin, Thor and Freya! Hail all norse gods and goddesses!
I am a proud American, a former Soviet Jew, a patriot, and an IT professional. ā€œSocialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.ā€ ā€œThe inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.ā€ ā€” Winston Churchill
Software Engineer
Brainstorming Ideas, Commonsense, Outside of the box thinking, Truth, Facts and Opinions sharing, Anti war, Anti Globalism and fed up with with lying politicians, lying mainstream media and lying elites of the world. Interested in Social Networking, World News, Geopolitics, Photography, spiritual ... I also stand for individual freedom. I stand against violence and corruption. I stand for my right to speak. I stand for my right to pray and practice my own faith, I stand for my right to agree or not, I stand for any cause that save Environment and Wildlife, I stand for World Peace, I stand to help the Unfortunate, the needy, the abandoned kids and create a smile in every Human Face... We All Are Human, Descendants of Adam & Eve, we share the same earth, sky ,sun moon and Air lets defend dements
Jun 2020
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