
Thoughts of an independent man who loves to express common sense opinions mixed with humor and goodhearted fun. * Gay yet a father of 4 sons * Freedom lover * American Patriot As the Declaration of Independence says - Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of a penis. I love male beauty, classical music, politics, golf, arthouse films, hunting, fishing, shooting, and conservatism. A word on my lexicon - *Moronnial (millennial) * Fecesbook (facebook) * Demoscum Party (Democrats) * Muslime (Muslim) * Obarmarx (guess who?) * Filth (left wingers in general) Feel free to send me a message and I shall reply.
www.jaydafransen.online Faithful to God and Britannia ✝️🇬🇧 Purged from Twitter 18/12/2017 Declared a “Dangerous Individual” by Facebook 28/04/2019 ‘If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first’ John 15:18
First off fuck Twitter, I'm going to get high, I'm going to say what the fuck I want to say, I'm going to do what the fuck I think is funny, I don't give a fuck about commercial support or sponsorships, you can take your political correctness and shove it up your ass. I will say the word nigger when I want to say it, and I will talk shit about anything I want to fucking talk shit about. If I feel like having a slave auction well then, I'm hosting a fucking slave auction, if you don't like it you can suck my balls and so can your filthy mother.
You Don't Need Any Permit For A God Given Right!
Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you."
Knowing The Difference
What You Don't Know Does Hurt You
Elements Of Truth
Brief But Interesting Movie Clips From Different Kinds Of Movies
Sep 2019
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