
MontiMaro77 Awake Truth Channel Australia
Brainstorming Ideas, Commonsense, Outside of the box thinking, Truth, Facts and Opinions sharing, Anti war, Anti Globalism and fed up with with lying politicians, lying mainstream media and lying elites of the world. Interested in Social Networking, World News, Geopolitics, Photography, spiritual ... I also stand for individual freedom. I stand against violence and corruption. I stand for my right to speak. I stand for my right to pray and practice my own faith, I stand for my right to agree or not, I stand for any cause that save Environment and Wildlife, I stand for World Peace, I stand to help the Unfortunate, the needy, the abandoned kids and create a smile in every Human Face... We All Are Human, Descendants of Adam & Eve, we share the same earth, sky ,sun moon and Air lets defend dements
Volim da se družim, da slikam, da uživam u prirodi.
Philosopher! Blogger! Hive Addict!
Just a simple me....
เมื่อมวลชนพาไป ประชาชนปฏิวัติ จึงเกิดขึ้น
I’m back on here now
🔹I'm glad to see you here🔹 🔺All photos are my own property 🔺
Retired Firefighter- Do Christian outreach and ministry to the homeless. Take no money- EVER- offer all my teachings for free on all my cloud and Web Sites
Jun 2020
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